FPSSA Applied – Antenie Carstens

Antenie Carstens submitted the first application in the Applied section and was awarded his FPSSA for his study on DIGITISING PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVES AND PRINTS FOR PRESERVATION.

We commend Antenie on his work – in the words of Nico Smit MPSSA, one of the assessors – “It is a very thorough study on a subject that is of significant importance to photography in general and in particular for the preservation of images captured on analog media. So many important events and creative images were captured on analog media and with the rapid progression of the digital era the preservation of this imagery is very important.

The technology presented in this document is unique and I believe there are very few people with this type of knowledge. The study is scientifically sound, well presented and in terms of scope, depth and volume far exceeds the effort that a normal FPSSA applicant will devote to a successful panel.

In view of the above motivation I recommend that the Fellowship be awarded to Antenie unconditionally.”

Antenie’s application may be downloaded here.

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