1. Introduction
The hosting of a Salon is a considerable and responsible task. PSSA commends and is proud of those who take up the challenge.
Please remember that as artists those entering Salons are all very possessive of their work and sensitive to its performance, so extreme care should be taken of all the entries to your Salon as if they were your own.
2. Salon Director’s Download Pack (PDI and Print)
Before you undertake to host a Salon, please familiarise yourself with the current PSSA requirements. Therefore, download and become au fait with the Salon Director’s Manual and other documentation in this Download Pack.
These are living documents and changes as does the Society itself. It is therefore extremely important for you to download the latest version each time a salon is run. The Pack includes the following:
• Salon Director’s Manual
• Applying for a time slot on the PSSA Salon Calendar (Application for PSSA Patronage)
• Salon Brochure Template
• PSSA Honours Info Sheet – (How to list Honours)
• Checklist
• Definitions and Conditions of Entry
• Preparing for Projection and Judging
o Projection Cheat Sheet
o PSSA Calibration and Colour Management
o PSSA Calibration Images
o Viewing Prints and Print Lightbox Design
o PSSA Salon Judging Guidelines
• Salon Catalogue Instruction Manual
Click here to download PSSA Salon Download Pack 2024/2025 – 20.2 MB
Download the latest version of the full TOP user manual from https://www.photovaultonline.com/.
Download the latest Version of the International Salon Patronage from FIAP Guidelines here.
3. Salon Director’s Download Pack (AV)
Before you undertake to host an AV Salon, please familiarise yourself with the current PSSA requirements. Therefore download and become au fait with the Salon Director’s Manual and other documentation in this Download Pack.
These are living documents and changes as does the Society itself. It is therefore extremely important for you to download the latest version each time a salon is run. The Pack includes the following:
• AV Salon Director’s Manual
• AV Checklist
Click here to download PSSA AV Salon Download Pack (2023/2024)
4. Salon Certificates
It is recommended that certificates are issued for each award (including medals). Salons are free to use their own design but are welcome to use the PSSA design, sample below.
Click on the example certificate below to access the PSSA Member Zone with your credentials. Once you have accessed the Member Zone to get to the e-Image Archives, you will find a Downloads button next to it to click on. Click on it and you will find the Certificate zip file there. It contains a high-resolution version together with all the necessary fonts and guidelines.
The PSSA certificate is designed for an A4 print. When printed they should be in full colour on poster paper of 200gsm.
Salon certificates may be signed electronically and distributed via e-mail in PDF format.
5. Exhibition
A salon exhibition will give prestige to the salon project and forms the highlight of the whole project. Dignitaries from PSSA, the general public and fellow photographers may be invited.
Publicise the event via club communications, the PSSA website, local media etc.
If you still have questions, contact the PSSA Salon Administrator, Corine Ross at admin@pssa.co.za, or 082 790 8537, who will be happy to advise on any aspect of a Salon.
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