How does this competition work?
Any paid up affiliated club of PSSA may enter their Official Digital Magazine into this competition.
Any club magazine, with the exception of annual or special issues of yearly programme schedules, which is published regularly for members of clubs affiliated to PSSA may be entered.
Each club must send copies of 2 issues to Charmaine Joubert which were published during the competition year – July to June.
The magazines will be judged according to the following criteria:
Front cover should have impact and clearly identify the club.
Information about content in the issue; contact details for committee members, website, social media; promotion requirements; and annual calendar of events.
Monthly competitions – winning images/ results/ judge’s comments/ future competition topics.
Club activities – news about future activities, outings, education evenings; report back on past events etc.
Members showcase – achievements of members (and club) in competitions, or profiles of old and new members.
Information/links about forthcoming congresses, salons, WCPF news, PSSA news, links to interesting websites, links to forthcoming events, etc.
Photographic education: Information about genres, how to accomplish techniques, famous photographers; photographic destinations, etc.
Editorial features – do they tell you WHO did WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW in an engaging way ( no spelling & grammar errors). Do the heading and “teaser” inspire you to read the article? Are the features mainly written by club members/editor. If not, are appropriate references and credit provided, especially user permission from online sites. (NB: plagiarism will be penalised).
Content mix – is there an interesting variety of short and long articles, with emphasis on club and member activities, but also articles on wider topics.
Layout and use of photos – does it encourage reading of articles and follow the rules of design? Are photos effectively used (not too small)? Are captions provided?
Overall impression – is there a uniform style to the magazine (e.g. in fonts and headings used) that looks professional.
Electronic Certificates will be awarded to the winning Club and two runner-ups.
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