2019 medal winners

Otis side Flip


Andre Serfontein from Imagelink Camera Club, Nelspruit won a GPU Gold medal at the 4th Pacific – Atlantic Photo Circuit 2019 in the Mono pictorial category in Sep 2019 with

“Otis Side Flip”



Andre Serfontein from Imagelink Camera Club, Nelspruit won a Victory PW Gold medal at the 4th International Circular of Photography Grand MSM Circuit 2019 in the Nature category in Sep 2019


a FIAP Gold medal at the 4th Pacific – Atlantic Photo Circuit 2019 in the Nature category in Sep 2019


a Judges Choice medal at the 7th Olympic Photo Circuit 2019 in the Nature category in Nov 2019 with

“I am taking you out”

I am taking you Out 


Andre Serfontein from Imagelink Camera Club, Nelspruit won a Salon Bronze medal at the 7th Miroc Digital Circuit in the Nature category in Feb 2019 with

“Kingfisher with snake catch”

 Kingfisher with Snake catch


Andre Serfontein from Imagelink Camera Club, Nelspruit won a Salon Bronze medal at the Euro Circuit in the Nature category in Jan 2019 with

“Pygmy with frog catch”

 Pygmy with Frog Catch



Dieter Rowe-Setz from Amber Camera Club won a CE Gold medal at the 4th Campina International Exhibition of Photography, Romania in the Monochrome category in October 2019 with

“Into a better world”

Into a better world copy


Brendon Muller from the Bloemfontein Camera Club won the following award:

“pictorial-col-0039”  Gold GPU Medal  Water (Colour/M0nochrome)  4th Danubie Digital Circuit – Romania  25 June 2019


Jaco du Toit from Imagelink Virtual Club has won the following awards:

“Mond en Tande” Medalla de Bronco F2 (Bronze); Open Colour; F2 Circuito, ARGENTINA and CHILE; 26 September 2019

Mond en tande

“CQB Swooping Flight” Medalla de Oro PSA (GOLD) Nature; F2 Circuito, ARGENTINA and CHILE; 26 August 2019.

“Future JESSE OWENS BW” ROT (Rule of Third) GOLD; Monochrome; Rule of Third International Digital Circuit, India; 13 August 2019.


Leon Pelser from Sasol Highveld club won a gold medal award at TUSCANY INT photo contest in the Photo Journalism category.October 2019

“firefighters in street”

firefighters in street 


Dewald Tromp from Midlens won a FIP Gold medal, Nature  in the EPIC photo circuit 2019, India with

“Take away”

Take away

Francois Rousseau from Bethal Fotografie Klub won a FIP Gold medal, Nature  in the VINTAGE INTERNATIONAL CIRCUIT 2019, India with




Leon Venter from

Bethal Fotografie Klub won a GRADAC PGI SILVER MEDAL in the 5th International Salon of Photography GRADAC 2019 which was held on the 29th of May 2019 with “CROCODILE CATCH 6”



Jaco du Toit from

Imagelink Virtual Club won a Gold Medal in the

Tierenberg SuperCircuit_Special Themes Competition with “Catch me if you CAN BW”

Catch me if you CAN BW

Antionette Morkel from

Uitenhage Camera Club won PSA Bronze Medal in the

Dhaka Salon with “Family moment”

Family Moment


Gaby Grohovaz from

West Rand Photographic Club and Camera Club of Johannesburg won 2  awards in the

4th International Salon Reflections 2019 (Serbia) with “Mud in the river and Distorted view of oneself

Mud in the river


Dewald Tromp from Midlens won a PSSA Gold medal in New York Manhatten 2019 with
“Mating Game”.

Dewald Tromp Mating Game New York Manhatten 2019

Eileen Covarr won the GIP Medal in monochrome division in the German International Photo Cup 2019
“Feet up”
Eileen Covarr - Feet up
Leon Venter won the Salon Gold Medal in nature division in the Australian Horizon Photo Club : International HPC 2019
“Give back my food”
Leon Venter - Give Back My Food
Dewald Tromp from Midlens won a DEF Bronz medal. 43rd Trofeu Torretes de Fotografia with
“In their element”.

Dewald Tromp In their Element


Dewald Tromp from Midlens club won the FIAP Gold medal at 1st International Art Photography Festival Ecuador, Nature with his image “Black Rhino reflection”

Dewald Tromp Black Rhino reflection 

Dewald Tromp from Midlens club won the Gold medal at Concept photo 2018, Nature with his image “Flamingo march”
 Dewald Tromp Flamingo March


2018 international salon medal winners

2017 international salon medal winners

2016 international salon medal winners

2015 international salon medal winners

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