FIAP Distinctions 2022

FIAP DISTINCTIONS are based on Salon Acceptances in FIAP approved International Salons. Application is made through PSSA once a year. The requirements for 2023 have been changed and details will be published towards the end of the year.

Thank you to Jenny Stilwell for all her assistance in preparing and checking the applications.

Congratulations to our latest FIAP Distinction recipients!

Hannes Bronkhorst
Gaby Grohovaz
Crighton Klaasen
Simon Fletcher
Heather Meintjes
Kim Stevens
Francois van der Watt
Neels Beyers
Kind Regards


Each applicant had to submit 5 images that have received acceptances, in the case of the EFIAP awards on FIAP approved salons, and these images become part of the artistic patrimony of FIAP and may be used to put together collections.

View the images below – these are thumbnails that can be enlarged if you click on them

Crighton Klassen Arteries at Arniston

Crighton Klassen Arteries at Arniston

Crighton Klassen Cruise ship docked in Cape Town

Crighton Klassen Cruise ship docked in Cape Town

Crighton Klassen Hang Over

Crighton Klassen Hang Over

Crighton Klassen Shipwreck

Crighton Klassen Shipwreck

Crighton Klassen Slayed saint

Crighton Klassen Slayed saint

Francois van der Watt Backlit cheetah with cubs

Francois van der Watt Backlit cheetah with cubs

Francois van der Watt Cape foxes with mouse

Francois van der Watt Cape foxes with mouse

Francois van der Watt Dangerous games

Francois van der Watt Dangerous games

Francois van der Watt Drinking duo

Francois van der Watt Drinking duo

Francois van der Watt Frog for breakfast

Francois van der Watt Frog for breakfast

Gaby Grohovaz Falling appart

Gaby Grohovaz Falling appart

Gaby Grohovaz Friend or Foe

Gaby Grohovaz Friend or Foe

Gaby Grohovaz Over the rainbow

Gaby Grohovaz Over the rainbow

Gaby Grohovaz Study time

Gaby Grohovaz Study time

Gaby Grohovaz Weathering the storm

Gaby Grohovaz Weathering the storm

Heather Meintjes Chasing the Ducks

Heather Meintjes Chasing the Ducks

Heather Meintjes Cruise Fun

Heather Meintjes Cruise Fun

Heather Meintjes Roadside Fun

Heather Meintjes Roadside Fun

Heather Meintjes Thirsty Lion

Heather Meintjes Thirsty Lion

Heather Meintjes Zebras at Night

Heather Meintjes Zebras at Night

Johannes Bronkhorst Coffee or milk

Johannes Bronkhorst Coffee or milk

Johannes Bronkhorst Jumping Nemo

Johannes Bronkhorst Jumping Nemo

Johannes Bronkhorst Landing vulture

Johannes Bronkhorst Landing vulture

Johannes Bronkhorst Southern Masked Weaver at nest

Johannes Bronkhorst Southern Masked Weaver at nest

Johannes Bronkhorst Swazi dancers

Johannes Bronkhorst Swazi dancers

Kim Stevens Enchanting Sleeping Beauty

Kim Stevens Enchanting Sleeping Beauty

Kim Stevens Gogo at work

Kim Stevens Gogo at work

Kim Stevens Gotcha

Kim Stevens Gotcha

Kim Stevens Rhapsody in Blue

Kim Stevens Rhapsody in Blue

Kim Stevens Spitskuppen Arch Aglow

Kim Stevens Spitskuppen Arch Aglow

Neels Beyers Dunes Sossus

Neels Beyers Dunes Sossus

Neels Beyers Elephants playing in the mud

Neels Beyers Elephants playing in the mud

Neels Beyers Fish for lunch

Neels Beyers Fish for lunch

Neels Beyers Himba boy dancer

Neels Beyers Himba boy dancer

Neels Beyers Simonsberg met wolke

Neels Beyers Simonsberg met wolke

Simon Fletcher Soft Reflection

Simon Fletcher Soft Reflection

Simon Fletcher Speak No Evil

Simon Fletcher Speak No Evil

Simon Fletcher Stormy Morning

Simon Fletcher Stormy Morning

Simon Fletcher Sunrise Over The Valley Of Desolation

Simon Fletcher Sunrise Over The Valley Of Desolation

Simon Fletcher Swirling

Simon Fletcher Swirling

Views: 52