Clubs in Northern Gauteng
Director for the Region: Francois Venter 083 676 0872
AFO Fotografieklub
PO Box 101264MORELETAPLAZAPretoria0167Website
Meeting Venue
NG Kerk Elarduspark 547 Frelonstraaat Elarduspark
Meeting Schedule
1st Monday of month, 19h00 (please check website for accurate date)
Contact Name
Koos Marais072 200 5973 (c)
AV Makers South Africa
Unit 116 Protea Retirement VillagePO Box 72196 Lynnwood Ridge0040Website
Meeting Venue
To Be Arranged
Meeting Schedule
To Be Arranged
Contact Name
Jeff Morris012 803 2105 (h)012 803 2105 (w)082 840 5459 (c)
Bosveld Fotografieklub
Postnet Counter to CounterPostnetMODIMOLLE0510Meeting Venue
Online meetings
For further details contact Ancia du Plessis 082 927 2016
Meeting Schedule
3rd Tuesday of every month (except December)
TIme: 18h15 for 18h30
Contact Name
Ancia Du Plessis 082 927 2016 (c)
Centurion Camera Club (CCC)
PO Box 26315MONUMENTPARKPretoria0105Website
Meeting Venue
Centurion Academy, Gerhard Street, Centurion
Meeting Schedule
2nd Monday of month, 19h00
Contact Name
Jane Booyse083 556 5950 (c)
Harties Fotografie Klub
Posbus 2125XANADU CROSSINGGauteng0279Meeting Venue
Online Meetings unless communicated otherwise
Meeting Schedule
Elke eerste week van die maand op Dinsdag 19:00
Contact Name
Ben (w)083 268 9379 (c)
Magalies Foto Fun Club (MFFC)
Posbus 2808MONTANA PARKPretoria0159Website
Meeting Venue
Sinoville Methodist Church,Corner of 3rd and Jan Bandjies road, Montana Agricultural holdings
Meeting Schedule
3rd Thursday of the month at 19h00
Contact Name
Danie Ferreira083 442 8422 (c)
National Photographic Club (NPC)
PO Box 13746HATFIELDPretoria0026Website
Meeting Venue
Hatfield Christian Church, 551 General Louis Botha Avenue, Waterkloof Glen
Meeting Schedule
3rd Monday of the month - 18H45
Contact Name
Francois Venter083 676 0872 (c)
Pretoria Photographic Society (PPS)
PO Box 73056LYNNWOOD RIDGEPretoria0040Website
Meeting Venue
NG Kerk Lynnwood, 439 Sussex Avenue, Lynnwood.
Meeting Schedule
Main meeting 3rd Tuesday of the month 18h45
Informal meeting 1st Tuesday of the month 19h00
Contact Name
Thelma van der Schyff 082 784 0392 (c)
Rustenburg Fotografieklub
PO Box 20622PROTEA PARKRustenburg0305Website
Meeting Venue
Rustenburg Golf Club, Raasblaar Room
Meeting Schedule
Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 18h30
Contact Name
Simon Fletcher082 371 9867 (c)
Warmbad Fotografieklub
Posbus 194ROOIBERGNoordwes0500Meeting Venue
Jacolene no 1
Lunaweg 25
Warmbad (Bela-Bela)
Meeting Schedule
Elke 2de Dinsdag van die maand om 17:30
Contact Name
Gerda De Bruto082 563 4725 (c)
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