In the interest of consistency and fairness to both applicants and PSSA judging is done twice a year by a panel of experienced, active photographers. These judges are selected for their overall knowledge and experience and for their ability to assess, regardless of their own personal taste.
Digital and Print and Applied Honours judging is usually done by a panel of 12 judges.
A smaller panel of between 4 and 8 members judges the Audio Visual applications remotely and discusses the results via Zoom.
The combined expertise of these photographers covers most, if not all genres. In instances where specialized panels covering a subject outside their gambit are submitted, specialist judges will be outsourced.
If you would like to join the judging panel please send a motivation as well as your CV to the Chairman of the Honours Division
Selecting a judge’s photograph below will take you to his/her CV and a sample of his/her work.
Digital, Print and Applied Honours judges
Martin Barber
Johan Brits
Evelyn Gibson
Rob Heffer
Koot Marais
Alta Oosthuizen
Francois Roux
Nico Smit
Jill Sneesby
Francois van der Watt
Malie vd Vyfer
Mietsie Visser
AV Judges
Clive Rathband
Paul Rixom
Francois Roux
Joan Ryder
Jill Sneesby
Johann van der Walt
Adri van Oudheusden
Friso Woudstra
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