Clubs in Mpumalanga
Director for the Region: Johan Drotsky 082 926 5328
Barberton Photographic Club
PO Box 137BARBERTONMpumalanga1300Meeting Venue
37 Henry Nettman St
Meeting Schedule
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 17:30
Contact Name
Michelle Evans061 845 9129 (c)
Bethal Fotografieklub
Posbus 1195BETHALMpumalanga2310Meeting Venue
Grasslands Conference and Wedding Venue, 34 Orchard Ave, Bethal
Meeting Schedule
2nd Week of each month on Thursdays at 19:00
Contact Name
Johan Drotsky082 926 5328 (c)
Ermelo Fotoklub
Postnet Suite 655Privaatsak X9013ERMELO2350Meeting Venue
NG Kerk
De Bruinpark
Meeting Schedule
Elke Eerste Vrydag van die maand 19h00
Contact Name
Christa Strauss082 924 3018 (c)
Kosmos Fotografie Klub
Posbus 20531DEL JUDORWitbank1044Meeting Venue
In Witbank vergader ons by Indlela Lodge
Nita Straat
In Witrivier vergader ons by Plot Gedeelte1/10
Dogcreek Lane
Meeting Schedule
Elke tweede laaste Vrydag van elke maand om 18:00
Contact Name
Christine Nel082 888 8408 (c)
Kriel Foto Club
PO Box 278KRIELMpumalanga2271Website
Meeting Venue
To be Announced
Meeting Schedule
Every First Wednesday of Every Month
Contact Name
Lourens Oberholzer 082 461 3556 (c)
Midlens Photographic Club
PO Box 2046MIDDELBURGMpumalanga1050Website
Meeting Venue
Chamber of Commerce Auditorium (Next to the Dross, Opposite Buco )
292 Walter Sisulu Street
Meeting Schedule
Elke tweede Vrydag van die maand - 19h00 - (Sien webwerf vir bevestigde datums)
Contact Name
Wouter Labuschagne083 283 2833 (c)
Nelspruit Photographic Society
43 Zebrina CrescentWest AcresNELSPRUIT1201Website
Meeting Venue
Nelspruit High School, Nelspruit
Meeting Schedule
3rd Thursday - 16h30
Contact Name
Tom Farmer081 822 3761 (c)
Sasol Highveld Photography Club
Posbus 10158SECUNDAMpumalanga2302Website
Meeting Venue
Outenikwa Conference hall @ Sasol Recreation Club Secunda
18:00 for 18:30
S-26 31'25"E-29 11'15"
Meeting Schedule
Available on webpage. Normally every first or second Friday of the month.
Contact Name
Louis van der Walt072 755 2767 (c)
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