About the Website Competition

How does this competition work?

Members of PSSA only are invited to personally enter any one image per month into this competition and submit it via Photovault at www.photovaultonline.com.  If you are not a member of PSSA, you can unfortunately not enter this competition.

A note about entering into the Website competition:  If your image has won the Senior or Junior club competition at your club during the month, it will be entered in either of those two competitions for the month. PLEASE do not enter it into the Website competition as well for obvious reasons. Remember, it is the same judges that judge all three competitions for a particular month and having the same image in two competitions, Senior or Junior and the Website competition will disadvantage the image. If your image does not win in the Senior or Junior Club Competition and you would like to enter it into the Website competition, you can do so as long as it is a month or so later.

Something to remember and take cognisance of if you are a member of two or more clubs, it is very important that if you win the website competition within the Competition year July to June the following year, you must not enter it into any of your clubs’ Senior or Junior competitions during this time.

All images must be original and must not incorporate elements produced by anyone else. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrants certify the work as their own. The PSSA Director of Competitions has the right to ask for the RAW files.

Also make sure that your image is not watermarked as watermarked images will be disqualified in this competition.

How to upload your image onto Photovault.

Instructions on how to upload your entry onto Photovault, can be downloaded here  


The winning image will be displayed on the home page of our Website for the duration of the month.

The photographer is asked to supply details/story regarding the winning image. This is published on the website.

The winner, 1st and 2nd runners-up as well as all finalists in this competition are also published under the Competitions – Website tab monthly.

Currently the winner wins a Print-Wild Voucher to the value of R500.

Competition Convenor

Charmaine Joubert 

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