Johann’s interest in photography started in the early 70’s while still at school – you can almost say that he grew up in a monochrome darkroom. Until late 90’s his photography was exclusively focused on monochrome work using his own black and white darkroom. He ventured into digital photography in the late 90’s using a dedicated negative scanner. Monochrome photography is, therefore, still a very important aspect of his craft.
Johann has received several awards for his images, including 5 PSSA silver medals, 2 PSSA Bronze medals and several club medals on the South African National Salon circuit. In 2009 Johann entered 24 images in the Trierenberg International Super Circuit and received a total of 71 acceptances. He does not enter in many international salons, but when he does enter, he normally receives a high percentage of acceptances. he also received a PSA ribbon in the Holland circuit in 2011.
Johann joined the Vereeniging Photographic Society in 2000 and PSSA in 2001. He received his LPSSA in prints in 2002, his APSSA in digital photography in 2006 and his FPSSA in digital photography in 2011.
Johann is technically inclined and thrives on technical challenges. This is true for his job as programmer, as well as in both his hobbies, which are photography and astronomy. Some of the challenges of photography he enjoys most are 3D-photography, infrared photography, long exposure photography and audio visual presentations. He also likes to create and manipulate images in Photoshop. Johann is an avid reader of books, magazines and web sites on all aspects of photography. This ensures that he is always aware of the latest trends and techniques in the very fast changing photographic world.
Judging is one of his greatest passions, and something which he always approaches with an appreciative mind. Johann is one of the founder members of the PSSA JAP programme and also presented JAP workshops.
As a judge on the PSSA honours panel, Johann’s extensive knowledge of digital photo post processing comes in handy in distinguishing between a correctly processed photograph and a poor or over-processed attempt.
Below some of Johann’s AV Posters

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