2023-01-28 4th PSSA National Youth Salon (Results available)

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PSSA Bronze Medal - Monochrome Open-The Body Builder - Jeanine du Rand - Zwartkop High School

PSSA Bronze Medal - Monochrome Open-The Body Builder - Jeanine du Rand - Zwartkop High School

PSSA Bronze Medal - Nature-Nimmersat - Duane Langner - Centurion High School

PSSA Bronze Medal - Nature-Nimmersat - Duane Langner - Centurion High School

PSSA Bronze Medal - PJ and Sport -Fire -Duane Langner - Centurion High School

PSSA Bronze Medal - PJ and Sport -Fire -Duane Langner - Centurion High School

PSSA Bronze Medal - Visual Art-Pink Splash- HJ Coetzer - SA Youth Photographers

PSSA Bronze Medal - Visual Art-Pink Splash- HJ Coetzer - SA Youth Photographers

PSSA Bronze Medal- Open Colour-Bowing Ballerinas - Jeanine du Rand-Centurion Camera Club

PSSA Bronze Medal- Open Colour-Bowing Ballerinas - Jeanine du Rand-Centurion Camera Club

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