2018.03.15 – PE Camera Club International Audio Visual Festival 2018 (Results available)

PECC AV 2018 Banner


The salon has patronage from FIAP and PSSA and is open to authors from around the world. 

3rd PECC International AV Festival FIAP CERTIFICATE 2018 008

Select appropriate link to download Conditions of Entry (Rules) and AV Identification Form (Fiche):                                  

English speaking combo   International English South Africa   South African Entrants only 
Rules and Entry form SA Rules  and Entry form
french speaking   FrancaisBenelux   Nederlands       German speaking   Deutsch
 Règles et Fiche d’inscriptionRegels en FicheRegeln und Fiche



Click here for the full set of results

Some posters of the winning Audio Visuals

Download the full Salon Catalogue here (6.55 MB)


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