Senior Club Competition Winners June 2018

Congratulations to Ciska Venter from Westville Camera Club!

She is our June winner with her image “Pin Cushion Bug”

I must admit, I am such a sucker for Macro photography.  So when I spotted this little one, I just had to get a shot.
These Fluffy Flying Insects are called – bombyliidae – Bee Flies.  Very busy but friendly little creatures.

This Image was taken with:
Canon 7D Mark II
Canon MP-E65mm F2.8 (1-5x) Macro Lens
Canon MT-24EX Macro Twin Lite Flash


Our 1st runner-up is Chris Joubert from Southern Suburbs Camera Club with “Hey, that spot is taken!”

2018.06 02 Chris Joubert Southern Suburbs Camera Club Hey that spot is taken


Our 2nd runner-up is Shirley Swinger from Amber Camera Club with “The Water Dancer”

2018.06 03 Shirley Swingler Amber Camera Club The Water Dancer


Thank you to the judges.  This month the competition was judged live by Pretoria Photographic Society.


Click here for the June 2018 scoresheet for Seniors.

(The images below are thumbnails only and you can click on them to enlarge them.  Before you click an image, hover the mouse over the picture to see the title and the author at the bottom of your screen.  For Mac Users, this might only work if your browser is Firefox.)


(these images are also available on dropbox to download and show at your club evenings  – just forward the webmaster your email address and ask to be added to the shared folder)




This is a PSSA monthly competition where clubs enter their monthly Senior winner onto Photovault. Appointed judges select the winning image.  The monthly winner gets displayed on the home page of our Web site for the duration of the month.  

For the Senior Club Competion Winner of the Month a club representative (ideally the Chairperson) submits the Senior club winner via Photovault at

Instructions on how to upload your entry onto Photovault, can be dowloaded here  doc

At the end of the PSSA calendar year (30 June of each year) the Senior Club Competition Winning Image of the Year is selected.

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