Nov Club Winning Picture Junior


Karl Horngren from Princes Grant Camera Club wins with “Bird Fight”

It was late afternoon one dry and dusty day in the Kalagadi Trans Frontier park, with temperatures sitting at around 38 degrees at a quarter past 5. After an intense dust storm, my brother and I found ourselves at a busy watering hole where a myriad of Sociable Weavers were gathered in a tree at the waters edge, chattering and haggling away. Desperately thirsty, but anxious for fear of predators, the birds gathered in droves and collectively dive-bombed the pool of water. This shot depicts the surprisingly confrontational mood between two parched members of a species that is known to be mostly social and affable.

Camera Nikon D800
Lens 600mm f4
ISO Auto with max of 1600
Exposure -0.7 EV (compensating for the harsh afternoon sunlight)
Shutter speed 1/4000s ( to capture the high speed action)
Apperture f/5.6


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