22 Feb 1956 – 25 April 2022
Hein Waschefort FPSSA(Dux), MPSSA
From the PSSA President
It was with deep sadness that we said goodbye to Hein Waschefort yesterday, may he rest in peace after his tough battle with cancer.
Hein was an inspiration to us all both in life and in photography and gave outstanding service to PSSA in many positions over the years, most recently of course as Editor. Hein had a long list of Honours recognizing his achievements in so many different fields, his first being an Associateship in Colour Prints in 1988. We will miss you Hein.
Our sympathies to Christine, Gus, Neille and their families.
Jill Sneesby
From a PSSA Board member
It is indeed a very sad day to say goodbye to Hein Waschefort. He was a true legend in his own right.
His service to art, and in particular photography and PSSA was majestic to say the least. He achieved all the Honours in PSSA, but remained so humble, and willing to share his knowledge, all for the love of photography.
It was a privilege to know Hein, and to learn from him and work with him, memories I will treasure for ever.
My sympathies to Christine, Gus, Neille and their families.
Francois Roux
From the PSSA Public Relations Officer
Hein to me was an Icon and a legend in Photography. He was such an inspiration to me, in particular with his creativity which I was fortunate to have attended many of his workshops. I enjoyed his company, his sense of humour and he would always insist on me telling some of my funny stories.
He will be sorely missed and will be remembered for many, many years to come for what he did for photography and for PSSA.
Rest in peace Hein and condolences to Christine, Gus and Neille and all the family.
Evelyn Gibson
From the PSSA 2nd Vice-President
It’s so sad to know that the legend has gone.
Hein was one of the corner stones of creative photography and photography itself in South Africa. Not only was he a master in the art, a teacher, but he wanted to make everyone this too so that all could enjoy the art that he was so passionate about.
Hein opened the doors and lead the way and made it possible for so many of us to follow in creative art photography and always had the time to help others achieve their dream.
It was a honour and privilege to know Hein, and to learn from him. He was and will always be my inspiration and mentor.
Christine, Gus and Neille thank you for sharing your husband and father with all of us and as you can see, he was a father to so many of us too. My deepest condolences to you all and your family and friends.
Prof. Hein, as I have always called you, thank you for showing me that it is okay to be creative in photography, to look for the story in images and express my thoughts and feelings in my work.
Rest now Prof. Hein, in the comfort of our Lord and Father
Martin Dudley Barber (MPSSA)
From the PSSA 1st Vice-President
Dear Hein
I remember the first time we met. You were leaving the honours judging at Klip River Estate and we were both in our cars having a nice chat. Then again at the Nieuw Bethesda Congress last year and I thought to myself, you have the fighting spirit of a lion.
Now the pain and suffering has ended, but by no means your legacy. The one and only and we will always remember you and your passion for photography, the arts and the sharing of your vast artistic and photographic knowledge!
May your Soul Rest In Peace and my sincere condolences to Christine, Gus and the rest of the family. May you all find peace and strength in God in these traumatic and trying times.
Simon Fletcher
From a dear friend
Widely honoured photographer, artist and educator….loved by so many of us… very respected and dear friend…
Rest in peace Hein
Johan J Botha
Hein has left a legacy to me, and so many many more aspiring photographers that will last as long as we are here to remember.
More than a decade ago, when I was first treading into the unknown waters of creative and fantasy post processing, it was Hein who allowed me to carry on, at a time when the ‘rules’ were everything.
The personal encouragement and technical know-how he passed onto the members of his website month after month made the difference between going on or giving up. He talked and wrote to us with passion and understanding of our efforts, good and bad. He will never be forgotten.
Sonia Elliott
From – PSSA National Director Salons and Chairman Krugersdorp Camera Club
A true legend and creative has left us.
Hein, you had such a huge impact on photography and you inspired so many of our members. We would like to thank you for all the love and dedication that you so generously gave to the Image Magazine.
We will remember you fondly for many years to come. Rest well, free from struggles of your disease.
Condolences to the family, but also to your photography family. You are leaving a huge emptiness.
Corine Ross
We were fortunate to share numerous creative workshops with Hein, including Away Trips, which were always, photographically, rewarding, and often included humorous and warm get-togethers around a fire.
Hein always responded to a photographic challenge with great enthusiasm and willingness to share.
We will miss his teachings and warm friendship.
Our sympathies to Christine, Gus, Neille and family.
Ken van Wyk and Bibi Andrews
Aan Christine en die res van julle gesin, ons is baie jammer om te hoor dat Hein oorlede is. Hein is werklik soos ‘n groot boom wat te vroeg geval het. Hy het altyd die ekstra myl gegaan, veral met betrekking tot Image en die Audio Visuele Afdeling.
Ons kan nog duisende dinge opnoem, maar woorde skiet te kort. Ons wens jou en jou familie baie sterkte toe.
Adri en Roel van Oudheusden
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