Elections 2014

elections 925


You can download the nomination form here  doc  Nominations close 25 May 2014

(If you cannot download the nomination form, Petro will fax it to you. Please let her know at petro.bosman@gmail.com
or phone her on 079 881 2254)

If you nominate more than one Director, make a copy of this form for each nominee.

The following Directors are retiring and are available for re-election:
Reg Ansell
Petro Bosman
Melanie Loubser
Francois Rousseau
Johann vd Walt
Barrie Wilkins

The following Directors are retiring and are not available for re-election:
Sarel Naude
Hein Waschefort

How does it work?
The affairs of PSSA are managed by a Board of Directors, who work tirelessly, without pay, for the good of PSSA. Each Director chairs one or more portfolios and any member, in good standing, is eligible to be nominated and elected as a Director.

The Board consists of 21 Directors, 9 of who are nationally nominated and elected i.e. any member may nominate and vote for any other member regardless of where they live.  The term of office is two years and elections take place in even numbered years.  11 Directors are nominated and elected specifically by their respective regions i.e. members may nominate and vote for any member living in their region.  The term of office is two years and these elections take place in odd numbered years.

The final one is the Treasurer who is automatically appointed as a Director.

Each Director will Chair a division and must ensure that their division is run efficiently for the benefit of the membership.  As you can imagine this does require commitment and a lot of hard work and anyone interested and willing to serve as a Director will need to have time available to work for PSSA.

There are a number of meetings each year which Board members should attend and in addition to participating in the monthly Excom meetings by reading and responding to the Minutes of these meetings.

They must also provide quarterly reports to ensure that all aspects of the Society are being effectively managed.

As we are in an even numbered year i.e. 2014, the election this year will be a national one and will be coordinated by Frank Reuvers Hon FPSSA, FPSSA(Dux), EPSSA, EFIAP, our Electoral Officer.  As previously mentioned any member may be nominated but be sure to get their consent before making the nomination.  A CV should also accompany each nomination and this will be published on the website so that members can make an informed decision when voting.

Please give your serious consideration to this important task ahead!



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