2017.11.11 – Boksburg PDI Salon (Results available)

Click here for the brochure

Click here for the Results

Note:  Exhibition and Prizegiving of the Boksburg Camera Club’s 4th National Digital Salon that would have been held on 18 February at 19h00

We have had only 5 medal and certificate winners indicating that they would attend to accept their medals and certificates.

Due to lack of attending salon medal and certificate winners, we have decided to cancel the Exhibition and Prizegiving event. 

We apologise for this, as we were looking forward to handing out the medals and certificates to the recipients in person.

We will post the Catalogue of winning images and acceptances on our website where it can be viewed at www.new.boksburgcameraclub.co.za

All Medals and Certificates will be sent to the recipients via courier. Please would you let Denise Smith have your address by email at desdee.smith@mweb.co.za to facilitate the delivery of the medals and certificates.



What you see below are thumbnails only.

Hover over the image to see the Medal Winning Category, the name of the author, club and image title at the bottom of your screen.

Click on an image to enlarge it.  Then use the icons on the image to go forward, backward or run it as a slideshow.

{gallery}galleries/salons/FYE June 2018/2017.11.11_Boksburg Salon{/gallery} 

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