From the PRO – Feb 2016

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Dear Member

PSSA’s loss – it is difficult to imagine PSSA without Reg Ansell who we all know passed away at the beginning of this year. PSSA has lost a real stalwart.  He played a huge part in PSSA for years until the day he passed away. He will always be remembered. I do think his Memorial Service at his club, Benoni Camera Club on Wednesday 3 February, is a very appropriate and meaningful way to say our goodbyes. Thoughts are with Amy at this difficult time.

We are all back from our breaks over the festive and holiday season. Hopefully we have come back inspired and motivated to give our hobby of photography everything of the best and to continue to support PSSA in the many aspects and areas that the Society has to offer. I wish all the members, on behalf of the Board, a very prosperous, healthy and happy 2016.

Let us begin by supporting as many of PSSA Competitions this coming year as possible. We would love to see more of the Clubs entering the Club Winning Images every month. Please read the rules on our web site about how to enter. I would like to stress once again that you delegate this job to ONE person in your Club as it becomes difficult when the author enters and the delegated person from the Club enters too. Also I need to stress that you put your club name in when entering and not leave it as Independent. Leaving it as Independent affects the stats and the publishing on the web. I am sure you all want to see your Club getting the credit for the work being produced. If unsure of how to do this please give me a call and I will assist you. Also you cannot enter this competition as an Independent, you must be a member of a Club where your image has been chosen as a winner. For the web site competition you must be a member of PSSA to enter. Sorry that I had to reiterate the rules again but some confusion has been experienced this month with these competitions. We do love to view and enjoy all the images being produced around the country and CONGRATULATIONS to this month’s winners, once again stunning images.

To show all the month’s finalist images at your club night, just download them from dropbox.  Chairpersons of clubs can request to be invited to the dropbox folder by sending an email to the webmaster.

It seems that our postal system works well in some areas and in other areas not. By all reports the last image got to many members within two or three days after posting but many members, including myself are still waiting for theirs. Please also check your details with Ria, our Secretary, if you are not receiving the Magazines.  If your status has changed in anyway, you must communicate it to Ria. The February Magazine will be in the post within the next two weeks. The themes for the rest of the year are Flash, Minimalism, Photo Story and Urban – please if you would like to contribute or know of anyone who would be willing to write articles on any of the said subjects, you can write to Hein, our Editor or to myself as Sub-Editor.

Please continue to support our Salons. A lot of hard work goes into the running of Salons and once again it is an avenue for you to expose your work in.  It is also very challenging.

Further notice will be given soon in connection with PSSA clothing as well as all the aspects of Reg’s Portfolio of Awards and Regalia which included Diamond Ratings.

Please continue to view our Web Site as it is kept up to date on a very regular basis.  You will find all up to date information and notices there.

Welcome to new members and to new clubs, we look forward to your inputs and to your continued support for PSSA.

Quote from Tony-Armstrong-Jones “I believe that photographs should be simple technically, and easy to look at. They shouldn’t be directed at other photographers; their point is to make people react – to laugh, or to see something they hadn’t taken in before, or to be touched. But not to wince, I think”.

Some good thoughts to end with.

Have a great 2016!

Public Relations Officer


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