2024-08-24 – 5th PSSA YOUTH National Salon (Results available)

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Click here for the Results



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PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Nature - Colour-Lunchtime-Bianca Breytenbach-Ermelo Foto Klub

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Nature - Colour-Lunchtime-Bianca Breytenbach-Ermelo Foto Klub

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Open Colour-Trein na Matjiesfontein-Phiane Oosthuizen-Independent

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Open Colour-Trein na Matjiesfontein-Phiane Oosthuizen-Independent

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Open Monochrome-ballet skoene-Merie Langner-HS Centurion

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Open Monochrome-ballet skoene-Merie Langner-HS Centurion

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Photo Journalism and Sport-Higher-Liza Du Toit-Charlie Hofmeyr HS

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Photo Journalism and Sport-Higher-Liza Du Toit-Charlie Hofmeyr HS

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Visual Art-Work of art-Sofia Van Der Merwe-Charlie Hofmeyr HS

PSSA BRONZE MEDAL-Visual Art-Work of art-Sofia Van Der Merwe-Charlie Hofmeyr HS

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