2022-08-13 PPS National PDI Salon (Results available)

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PSSA Bronze Medal - Human Portraits Colour - Koningin slapies - Verinda Bosch - GCC

PSSA Bronze Medal - Human Portraits Colour - Koningin slapies - Verinda Bosch - GCC

PSSA Bronze Medal - Landscapes Colour - After the rain - Peter Hardcastle - SFK

PSSA Bronze Medal - Landscapes Colour - After the rain - Peter Hardcastle - SFK

PSSA Bronze Medal - Nature No Birds Mono - Luiperd id nag by water - Trix Jonker - BKK

PSSA Bronze Medal - Nature No Birds Mono - Luiperd id nag by water - Trix Jonker - BKK

PSSA Bronze Medal - Open Colour - Majestic - Ursula Baumann - VPS

PSSA Bronze Medal - Open Colour - Majestic - Ursula Baumann - VPS

PSSA Bronze Medal - Open Monochrome - Paparazzi Stare-down - Rudi Pothas - PPS

PSSA Bronze Medal - Open Monochrome - Paparazzi Stare-down - Rudi Pothas - PPS

PSSA Bronze Medal - Visual Art Colour - Polocrosse - Motion Blur 4 - Russell James - SSCC

PSSA Bronze Medal - Visual Art Colour - Polocrosse - Motion Blur 4 - Russell James - SSCC

PSSA Silver Medal - Human Portraits Colour - Not from Russia - Leon  Jacobs - VPS

PSSA Silver Medal - Human Portraits Colour - Not from Russia - Leon Jacobs - VPS

PSSA Silver Medal - Landscapes Colour - Rising Up - David Wolstencroft - EPC

PSSA Silver Medal - Landscapes Colour - Rising Up - David Wolstencroft - EPC

PSSA Silver Medal - Nature No Birds Mono - Circle of Life - Lucy Gemmill - Indep

PSSA Silver Medal - Nature No Birds Mono - Circle of Life - Lucy Gemmill - Indep

PSSA Silver Medal - Open Colour - Just surviving - Elzabe Bogenhofer - AFO

PSSA Silver Medal - Open Colour - Just surviving - Elzabe Bogenhofer - AFO

PSSA Silver Medal - Open Monochrome - Runway in sight - Leon Drotsky - EFK

PSSA Silver Medal - Open Monochrome - Runway in sight - Leon Drotsky - EFK

PSSA Silver Medal - Visual Art Colour - The 4 ladies - Anton La Grange - Indep

PSSA Silver Medal - Visual Art Colour - The 4 ladies - Anton La Grange - Indep

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