Please click on the icon for the Results as on 2 April 2014
PECC International AV Salon Catalogue
The variety of subject matter, interpretation and technique was very diverse and the judges had their work cut out to get through all the submissions. We had no technical challenges despite that the majority of entries were received via internet file transfer; this proved to be the most convenient for both the entrant and the organisers.
After all the entries had been viewed and the first selection made by the judges, they commenced to discuss the most outstanding audiovisual entries until consensus was reached on all the medal and ribbon winners. After more deliberations, a total of 45 acceptances, 6 ribbon winners and 6 medal winners were agreed upon; thereby setting the acceptance rate at 31% of the total entry of 184 AVs.
Such was the standard set by the judges, that there is no doubt that some of those AVs which did not get accepted, are still very good but not as good as the competition they had in our salon.
We look forward to your entry in our next International Audio Visual Salon!
Roel van Oudheusden
Festival Director
Views: 10