Congratulations to all our successful Honours applicants!
It is always a thrill when you open your mail to find that you have been successful and unless you were a first time success you are delighted that you have made it this time round, so much so that one quickly forgets all the agonies that went before. You will remember the agonies but your panel was a success and you need to take the credit for it yourself.
You looked at your images (or AVs), both successful and unsuccessful, and considered the brief feedback comments you received and worked out where you had gone wrong and if you worked out the right answer you were successful this time round. It was apparent from many of the panels submitted this time round that the photographers had done just this. Well done, you did a good job.
For those of you who weren’t successful this time round, don’t wait until January, start working now on your next panel. If you didn’t receive enough credits to let you apply at the next session, don’t be disheartened, just use the time to work on, and enjoy your photography. Try to analyse where you went wrong so that you don’t make the same mistake next time.
Something that often comes up in conversation is how different salon and honours results often are – surely, you think, if I do well on salons I should automatically do well in an Honours application. Salon judging is a competition, your images are being judged against what else is being submitted. They are judged on impact and often you are able to get away with technical and other flaws that may be more obvious to the more experienced honours judging panel.
Another aspect is of course personal preferences, on a salon a judge is asked to give his or her own opinion and that judge will choose the images that he “likes” best. We have all, I am sure, experienced it when entering a circuit when an image is accepted on some but not all the legs. This is of course because of personal preferences and any time you put three different judges together you are very likely to get three different results.
In honours judging there is no room for personal preferences and while the honours judges do still have their own likes and dislikes they are experienced enough to put these to one side when judging the panels. In addition discussion is permitted so that those judges who may not be as knowledgeable in certain fields can learn from their more experienced colleagues.
In all fields the judges are experienced and knowledgeable, not only in the subject matter but also in the medium in which they are judging. For example in AV, where we only have 5 judges, all are experienced Audio Visual workers who understand all that is involved in creating an effective AV. It does not matter that they personally do not do all genres of AVs from travel, to arty, to historical etc., they, like all good judges, have the knowledge to judge the work fairly and objectively.
Download New Honours Rules & Regulations here
Download Honours Training Sessions – “how the system works” here
Click here to download the list of successful applicants
Below you can click on the authors’ names to view their panels.
Once you see the panel, click on the first thumbnail and wait to watch the entire panel as a slideshow or click on each individual image and go at your own pace.
FPSSA – Applied – Published works
Reg Caldecott (no images to click on)
APSSA Digital Colour
Corine Ross – West Rand Photographic Society
Cyril Furman – Edenvale Photographic Club
Dirk Heyns – AFO Photography Club
Heste De Beer – Bloemfontein Camera Club
Jan Jacobs – Vanderbijlpark Fotografiese Vereeniging
Jenny Stilwell – Sandton Photographic Society
Johan Steyn – AFO Photography Club
Theo Van Der Merwe – Springs Photographic Club
APSSA Digital Mono
Martin Barber Alberton Camera Club
APSSA (Vers)
Jan Jacobs
Jenny Stilwell
LPSSA Colour Prints
Koos Marais – AFO Photography Club
LPSSA Digital Colour
Alet van der Westhuizen – Kriel Foto Klub
Anne Wyeth – Tygerberg Photographic Society
Chris Joubert – Randburg Photo Club
Christo van Heerden – Port Elizabeth Camera Club
Eric Bosman – Kriel Foto Klub
Gawie Wolmarans – Magalies Foto Fun Club
Gideon Lubbe – Alberton Camera Club
Haig Fourie – Vanderbijlpark Fotografiese Vereeniging
Henri le Roux – George Camera Club
James Haxton – Sandton Photographic Society
Joan Ward – Cape Town Photographic Society
Kevin Mullins – On the Rocks Camera Club
Mietsie Visser – Vanderbijlpark Fotografiese Vereeniging
Morne Potgieter – Vanderbijlpark Fotografiese Vereeniging
Sandra Van Heerden – Kriel Foto Klub
Stephen Burgstahler – Tygerberg Photographic Society
LPSSA Digital Mono
Charmaine Joubert – Port Elizabeth Camera Club
Francina Swart – Independent
LPSSA Mono Prints
Charlaine Gerber – Witbank Photographic Society
LPSSA (Vers)
Haig Fourie
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