Honours Results Jan 2021

Honours Website Banner Jan 2021

Congratulations to our latest Honours recipients, your hard work has paid off and you can now use your honours after your name as recognition of a worthy achievement.

I know that some of you will be disappointed that you did not succeed and blame the judges, the system, whoever or whatever, but take a moment to look at your panel and look beyond the obvious. Technique is important but so too is the art and a good image is one where the art and the craft both work together to create a meaningful image.

Digital entries are projected and viewed on a large screen so the impact can be very different to how you view them on your monitor at home. If you are entering prints it is a whole different ball game as printing itself is an art which you do need to master.

One point that is often raised is – how can I do well on a salon, even winning awards, and yet the same image might not even get a credit in an Honours panel? With the vast numbers of entries in salons images with impact often do well, whether it is impact because of colour, subject matter or mood doesn’t matter, there is that something extra that makes the judges score high. In the case of an honours panel the judges spend the whole weekend judging and each panel is looked at carefully, not to find fault, but to make sure that the art and craft are working well together.

The required standard does increase from the LPSSA, through the APSSA and up to the FPSSA although some of the LPSSA panels certainly have images of a high standard. Even if you do think your work is of a higher standard than that of an LPSSA, we do recommend that you start with the LPSSA. We also recommend that you only apply with one application at a time and that you do not rush into applying for a higher honour too soon. There is no hurry – what is the rush?

Because of the restrictions of Covid we only had 8 judges, a smaller panel than usual. We welcomed two first time judges Kim Stevens from the Western Cape and Ciska Venter from KZN so we did have a well-balanced panel. A very big thank you to our judges Martin Barber, Johan Brits, Dirk Heyns, Francois Roux, Jill Sneesby, Kim Stevens, Ciska Venter and Peter Venter and also to Jannie de Beer for all the computer work.

If any of you are eligible for a (Vers) award please do let me know so that we can add you to the Honours list. In order to achieve a (Vers) award you need to have three Honours at the same level and if they are in the same medium then they have to be in different categories. Proof sheets of all three panels have to be sent to me.

Closing date for the next round is 1 July, but don’t leave it till the last moment, start work now and give yourself plenty of time.

Jill Sneesby Hon MPSSA, FPSSA(Dux), MFIAP
Honours Chair

 Vers, DPSSA, EPSSA and MPSSA do not have panels to be viewed.


Zenobia Geldenhuys, LPSSA Mono, George Camera Club, Garden Route


LPSSA Colour

Riaan de Bruyn, Centurion Camera Club, Northern Gauteng

Carina de Klerk, Hermanus Photographic Society, Western Cape

Andre de Koker, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Elizma Fourie, Hermanus Photographic Society, Western Cape

Lucy Gemmill, Sandton Photographic Society, Central Gauteng

Christo Giliomee, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Crighton Klassen, Cape Town Photographic Society, Western Cape

Ineke Kleingeld, Independent, Nigel

Johann Kruger, Kroonstad Fotoklub, Central Photographic Societies

Glynnis Labuschagne, Midlens Fotoklub, North East Provinces

Arlene Mullins, On the Rocks Camera Club, Kwazulu-Natal

Mark Preston-Whyte, Amber Camera Club, Kwazulu-Natal

Quintis Richter, Musina, North East Provinces

Erik Seket, Tygerberg Photographic Society, Western Cape

Etienne Stassen, Port Elizabeth Camera Club, Eastern Cape

Christa Strauss, Ermelo Foto Klub, North East Provinces

Adriaan Theron, Magalies Foto Fun Club, Northern Gauteng

Linza van Aswegan, Vereeniging Photographic Society, Southern Gauteng

Heepko van Kaam, Krugersdorp Camera Club, Central Gauteng

Japie van Zyl, AFO Photography Club, Northern Gauteng

Carol Visser, Independent, Lincolnshire

Mariana Visser, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Kobus Yssel, Southern Suburbs Camera Club, Southern Gauteng



Neels Jackson, AFO Photography Club, Northern Gauteng

Phil Sturgess, Hermanus Photographic Society, Western Cape


APSSA Colour

Ursula Baumann, Vereeniging Photographic Society, Southern Gauteng

Eric Bosman, Kriel Foto Club, North East Provinces

Hannes Claassens, Midlens Fotoklub, North East Provinces

Leon Jacobs, Vereeniging Photographic Society, Southern Gauteng

Lynne Kruger-Haye, Tygerberg Photographic Society, Western Cape

Frans Lombard, Independent, Monumentpark

Heather Meintjes, Uitenhage Camera Club, Eastern Cape

Herman Olivier, Swartland Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Alta Oosthuizen, Pretoria Photographic Society, Northern Gauteng

Johan Orton, AFO Photography Club, Northern Gauteng

Dante Parisi, Fish Hoek Photographic  Society, Western Cape

Karyn Parisi, Fish Hoek Photographic  Society, Western Cape

Malcolm Sutton, Hibiscus Coast Photographic Society, Kwazulu-Natal

Nellie Tromp, Midlens Fotoklub, North East Provinces



Alta Oosthuizen APSSA (Vers)


Riaan Swanepoel, Nelspruit Photographic Society, North East Provinces


Annemarie du Plessis, Southern Suburbs Camera Club, Southern Gauteng

Niel Lombaard, Bloemfontein Kameraklub, Central Photographic Societies


FPSSA Colour

Kathy Kay, Hibiscus Coast Photographic Society, Kwazulu-Natal

Juan Venter, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape



Martin Barber, Southern Suburbs Camera Club, Southern Gauteng

Click on the thumbnails below to enlarge these panels, arranged alphabetically by surname



Zenobia Geldenhuys, LPSSA Mono, George Camera Club, Garden Route

LPSSA Colour

Riaan de Bruyn, Centurion Camera Club, Northern Gauteng

Carina de Klerk, Hermanus Photographic Society, Western Cape

Andre de Koker, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Elizma Fourie, Hermanus Photographic Society, Western Cape

Lucy Gemmill, Sandton Photographic Society, Central Gauteng

Christo Giliomee, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Crighton Klassen, Cape Town Photographic Society, Western Cape

Ineke Kleingeld, Independent, Nigel

Johann Kruger, Kroonstad Fotoklub, Central Photographic Societies

Glynnis Labuschagne, Midlens Fotoklub, North East Provinces

Arlene Mullins, On the Rocks Camera Club, Kwazulu-Natal

Mark Preston-Whyte, Amber Camera Club, Kwazulu-Natal

Quintis Richter, Musina, North East Provinces

Erik Seket, Tygerberg Photographic Society, Western Cape

Etienne Stassen, Port Elizabeth Camera Club, Eastern Cape

Christa Strauss, Ermelo Foto Klub, North East Provinces

Adriaan Theron, Magalies Foto Fun Club, Northern Gauteng

Linza van Aswegan, Vereeniging Photographic Society, Southern Gauteng

Heepko van Kaam, Krugersdorp Camera Club, Central Gauteng

Japie van Zyl, AFO Photography Club, Northern Gauteng

Carol Visser, Independent, Lincolnshire

Mariana Visser, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Kobus Yssel, Southern Suburbs Camera Club, Southern Gauteng


Neels Jackson, AFO Photography Club, Northern Gauteng

Phil Sturgess, Hermanus Photographic Society, Western Cape

APSSA Colour

Ursula Baumann, Vereeniging Photographic Society, Southern Gauteng

Eric Bosman, Kriel Foto Club, North East Provinces

Hannes Claassens, Midlens Fotoklub, North East Provinces

Leon Jacobs, Vereeniging Photographic Society, Southern Gauteng

Lynne Kruger-Haye, Tygerberg Photographic Society, Western Cape

Frans Lombard, Independent, Monumentpark

Heather Meintjes, Uitenhage Camera Club, Eastern Cape

Herman Olivier, Swartland Fotografieklub, Western Cape

Alta Oosthuizen, Pretoria Photographic Society, Northern Gauteng

Johan Orton, AFO Photography Club, Northern Gauteng

Dante Parisi, Fish Hoek Photographic  Society, Western Cape

Karyn Parisi, Fish Hoek Photographic  Society, Western Cape

Malcolm Sutton, Hibiscus Coast Photographic Society, Kwazulu-Natal

Nellie Tromp, Midlens Fotoklub, North East Provinces


Annemarie du Plessis, Southern Suburbs Camera Club, Southern Gauteng

Niel Lombaard, Bloemfontein Kameraklub, Central Photographic Societies

FPSSA Colour

Kathy Kay, Hibiscus Coast Photographic Society, Kwazulu-Natal

Juan Venter, Tafelberg  Fotografieklub, Western Cape

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