Honours Results Jan 2016

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Herewith the results of the January 2016 Honours judging session. 

Honours Judging feedback     

Congratulations to all our successful Honours applicants – your hard work has paid off.

To those of you who weren’t successful take a careful look at your panel and see which images received credits and which did not, try to analyse why some worked and others didn’t.

There are all sorts of factors which come into play in an honours application and these include presentation, technique both shooting and post processing, visual awareness and communication.

A good way to look at the panel is to look at the thumbnails – these help you to assess differences in tone and in exposure, variety in subject matter and interestingly enough bad post processing such as overdone vignetting is often very apparent in the thumbnail view.

It is also very important to understand that the standard does increase as you move upwards from the LPSSA, to the APSSA and then the FPSSA, it is not just a matter of more images. Many applicants are in too much of a hurry and apply before they are ready. If you took a number of times to achieve your LPSSA, don’t immediately go on to the APSSA, your are unlikely to succeed unless your work has improved. The same is true when applying for the FPSSA.

There is nothing wrong with starting with an LPSSA, it is an honour to be awarded one and you would be better off submitting an LPSSA and gaining some credits than struggling with the APSSA. If your standard has not quite reached the next level why not apply for another honour at the same level and start working towards your Versatility award (Vers).

Thank you to our team of hard working judges and behind the scenes personnel, a lot of hard, intensive work goes into making sure the system runs efficiently and they all give of their time freely, thank you.


Click here to download the list of successful applicants  excel

Click here for a Summary of the Results  pdf

Below you can click on the authors’ names (in green) to view their panels.

Once you see the panel, click on the first thumbnail and wait to watch the entire panel as a slideshow or click on each individual image and go at your own pace.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to Dr Eric Thorburn APSSA for over 35 years of achievement in different aspects of Photojournalism. He also achieved his APSSA (Applied) in Photojournalism. These won’t have images.

FPSSA Colour

Hendrik Louw

FPSSA Colour Prints

Aubrey Siebert

APSSA Colour

Andre Serfontein
Jan Jacobs
Marilou Manning
Rob Heffer
Tania Cholwich


Theo Kleynhans


Anton la Grange
Rick Venter


Kim Stevens

APSSA Prints

Francois Venter
Kim Stevens


Anton la Grange

APSSA Digital Colour (Jan 2011)
APSSA Monochrome Open (Jan 2014)
APSSA Monochrome Photojournalism – Photo Travel – A day in the Ovahimba Kraal (Jan 2016)

LPSSA Audio Visual

Daleen Engelbrecht

LPSSA Colour

Alan Nixon
Alison Duncan
Charmaine Joubert
Chris Jones
Clifford Wyeth
Gretha van Heerden
Gustav van der Gryp
Hein Beukes
Human Meyer
Malinda de Jager
Wouter Serfontein


Christo la Grange
Dawid Fourie
Elsa van Dyk
Hestie das Neves
Lex van Vught
Marleen la Grange
Rina Ferreira


Gretha van Heerden
Haig Fourie
Jacqueline Johnston
Leon Heyes

LPSSA Prints

Wallace Hayward

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