Honours Results Aug 2020

Honours Website Banner Sep 2020

Congratulations to our latest Honours recipients, your hard work has paid off and you can now use your honours after your name as recognition of a worthy achievement.

Thank you everyone for your patience in waiting for the results to be announced, I know that it was a long wait.

A very big thank you to our judges who judged under very difficult conditions. As it is most important that judging of the digital panels is done on a correctly calibrated projection system we held two live sessions – one in Bloemfontein, with Koot Marais, Nico Smit & Francois van der Watt judging, ably assisted by Quintin Terblanche on the computer and one in Vanderbijlpark, with Martin Barber, Johan Brits, Dirk Heyns, Laetitia Kenny, Christiaan Kotze and Francois Roux judging and ably assisted by Jannie de Beer on the computer where strict social distancing was observed. We then held a zoom meeting to discuss the panels and were joined here by Evelyn Gibson.

Audio Visual judging was done individually on correctly calibrated and, where possible, with large projection facilities, by myself, Anne d’Oliveira, Adri van Oudheusden, Chris Daly, Paul Rixom, Wayne Webb and Johann van der Walt in China! Following the individual judging we also had a zoom meeting to discuss all the applications. Live individual feedback is going to be given by one of the judges to each of the unsuccessful AV applicants.

If any of you are eligible for a (Vers) award please do let me know so that we can add you to the Honours list. In order to achieve a (Vers) award you need to have three Honours at the same level and if they are in the same medium then they have to be in different categories. Proof sheets of all three panels have to be sent to me.

Jill Sneesby Hon MPSSA, FPSSA(Dux), MFIAP
Honours Chair



Doreen Blignaut LPSSA – Digital Colour 
Hannes BronkhorstLPSSA – Digital Colour
Elizabeth CookLPSSA – Digital Colour
Nicol du ToitLPSSA – Digital Colour
Johan DrotskyLPSSA – Digital Colour
Joan FoucheLPSSA – Digital Colour
Nico HattinghLPSSA – Digital Colour
Frans LombardLPSSA – Digital Colour
Craig MorganLPSSA – Digital Colour
Chris NelLPSSA – Digital Colour
Johan OrtonLPSSA – Digital Colour
Anette ReimersLPSSA – Digital Colour
Francois RouxLPSSA – AV
Danie SmitLPSSA – Digital Colour
Christine TheronLPSSA – Digital Colour
Des van TonderLPSSA – Digital Colour
Verinda BoschAPSSA – Digital Colour
Stephen BurgstahlerAPSSA – Digital Colour
Hestie Das NevesAPSSA – Digital Colour
Russell JamesAPSSA – Digital Colour
Sue JewellAPSSA – Digital Colour
Johan KloppersAPSSA – Prints Colour
Helouise MulderAPSSA – Digital Colour
Wouter SerfonteinAPSSA – Digital Colour
Ian TaylorAPSSA – Digital Colour
Efraim van der WaltAPSSA – Digital Colour
Leon VenterAPSSA – Digital Colour
Pieter VenterAPSSA – Digital Mono
Coralie FourieFPSSA – Digital Mono
Charmaine JoubertFPSSA – Digital Colour
Kim StevensFPSSA – Prints Colour

Pieter Venter APSSA (Vers) & APSSA Mono

Sue Jewell APSSA (Vers) & APSSA Colour

Helen Wilkins Hon FPSSA


Click on the thumbnails below to view and enlarge the panels

LPSSA – Colour

Doreen Blignaut

Hannes Bronkhost

Elizabeth Cook

Nicol du Toit

Johan Drotsky

Joan Fouche

Nico Hattingh

Frans Lombard

Craig Morgan

Chris Nel

Johan Orton

Anette Reimers

Danie Smit

Christine Theron

Des van Tonder

APSSA Colour

Verinda Bosch

Stephen Burgstahler

Hestie Das Neves

Russell James

Sue Jewell

Helouise Mulder

Wouter Serfontein

Ian Taylor

Efraim van der Walt

Leon Venter


Pieter Venter


Coralie Fourie

FPSSA Colour

Charmaine Joubert

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