Club Winning Images Jan 2016




Junior:  The winnier is Lynette Lotter from MFFC with Infinite Time – Congratulations!

Senior:  The winner is Carolyn Greathead from PECC with Golden Lion – Congratulations to you too!

Also, thank you to the judges:

Anne d’ Oliveira – CCJ
Francois Venter – MCC
Johan Stepehens – AFO



This is a PSSA monthly competition where clubs enter their monthly winners (Junior and Senior) onto Photovault. Appointed judges select the winning Junior and Senior image.  These monthly winners get displayed on the home page of our Website for the duration of the month.  

For the Club Winning Picture of the Month a club representative (ideally the Chairperson) submits the club winners for Junior and Senior sections via Photovault at

Instructions on how to upload the club winning image onto Photovault, can be dowloaded here 

By the end of the PSSA calendar year (30 June of each year) the Club Winning Pictures of the Year in the Junior and Senior sections are selected. 

Statistics for Dec’15/Jan’16 Club Winning Pictures  excel

Click on the icon above to download the Statistics to see your club’s individual scores

(Before you click an image to open BELOW, hover the mouse over the picture to see the title and the author)


Junior Section – All Dec/Jan Finalists

(these images are also available on dropbox to download and show at your club evenings  – just forward the webmaster your email address and ask to be added to the shared folder)



Senior Section – All Dec/Jan Finalists

(these images are also available on dropbox to download and show at your club evenings  – just forward the webmaster your email address and ask to be added to the shared folder)






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