About PSSA Competitions

All PSSA competitions can be divided into Monthly, Annual or International competitions as listed below.  Further information about each competition will be available on the drop-down menus soon.


Monthly Competitions

  • Senior Club Winner
  • Junior Club Winner

    These are monthly competitions where PSSA affiliated clubs enter their monthly Senior & Junior Club winners.  Entry is via Photovault.

  • Website Winner

   This competition is only for PSSA Members who can enter 1 image per month.

The winning images are published on the front page of the website and the rest of the entries are available from a link on the website. They may also be downloaded for club use from Dropbox. You can contact our Webmaster to get access to the Dropbox folder.

Historical winners are kept for one year.


Annual Competitions

  • PSSA Senior & Junior Club Competitions and Website Winners 

–  Senior Club Competition – Image of the Year
–  Junior Club Competition – Image of the Year
–  Website Competition – Image of the Year
Read more here

  • PSSA Salon Images of the Year

The winning salon images each year will be automatically entered into this competition.

  • Marike Bruwer Award for Visual Art

This is an individual competition for PSSA members only. Entry is via Photovault and opens on 1 April each year and closes on 30 June. Members may each submit 4 images.

  • PSSA Interclub Competition

Entries for this competition close on 30 June each year and entry is done via Photovaultonline and must be done by a single co-ordinator for each club.

  • PSSA Club Magazine Competition

For this competition entries must be sent via We Transfer to Charmaine Joubert


International Competitions

  • Four Nations Competition

This is an international team competition between CAPA (Canada), PSNZ (New Zealand), APA (Australia) and PSSA (South Africa). The competition is organized by a different country each year on a rotational basis.

There are 4 categories – Colour, Mono, Nature, Our Country – a total of 80 images are entered with no more than 1 per person.

Entries for possible inclusion in the PSSA team entry will be made via Photovault with each member allowed to enter a total of 4 images, with any spread through the categories. 

4 Judges will be selected prior to the opening of the competition on Photovault and this will allow the judges to also enter.  The aim is to get the best possible entry for PSSA.

  • FIAP Biennials

                        – FIAP Nature Biennial

                        – FIAP Black and White Biennial – 10 Black and White Prints

                        – FIAP Colour Biennial

Entry for these competitions is by invitation and images are drawn from Honours panels and winning salon entries.              

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