2021 International medal winners

Follow these steps below to have your medal winning images published:

If you are a PSSA member and have participated in International Competitions or Salons and was awarded any medals, we would like to hear from you! 

Please send the Webmaster your medal winning image(s) with each image named as follows:

Year+month (of the salon)-Name and Surname-Club name-Medal description-Salon description with name of image (see below how it displays below each image)

Example of image title

2107-Treurnicht du Toit-Hermanus Photographic Society-Silver Medal-Wildlife Photography Association of India with Overawe (please stick to sentence case as per the example)


 Medal winners in International salons 2021


Click on the images to enlarge them or to move forward and backward with arrows



 2020 international salon medal winners

 2019 international salon medal winners

2018 international salon medal winners

2017 international salon medal winners

2016 international salon medal winners

2015 international salon medal winners

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