Backup webmaster
Banners & Teasers for the PSSA Website – How to advertise
Please email the Webmaster to have your banners for advertisements or teasers published on the website.
- If you want to make a banner to advertise, say a competition or event, you must include the closing date of the competition on the banner, please.
- The words “CLICK HERE” also draws attention as some users still don’t know that they need to click on a banner to see more, so make sure you include it if there is something to be included.
- Keep fonts simple – Arial works well, and in line with the suggested sizing below to make it easy to read.
Sizes for banners and teasers on the PSSA home page
Option 1 (Only for use by Directors) – A long rectangular banner as wide as the page for the home page:
1920 pixels wide x 200 – 300 pixels high.
If the banner is for the home page, there is only space for one of those at a time before they drop lower down and become smaller and often, illegible, so be mindful of that.
Option 2 (e.g. for National or Regional Congresses) – A shorter, rectangular banner to the right of Other Handy Links on the home page:
1920 pixels wide x 200 – 300 pixels high.
- If this banner is for the National PSSA Congress, it will be allowed on the home page for several months
- If this banner is for a Regional Congress, it will be allowed on the home page for two months
Option 3 (Teaser to advertise a Salon, other Competition or Regional Congress)
600 pixels wide by 300 pixels high or
600 pixels wide by 600 pixels high
- Teasers will be allowed three weeks before the closing date of the Salon or Competition and two months for a Regional Congress
- The teaser can be linked to a pdf with all the event detail or to a salon page on the website
Option 4 (Paid advertisements by PSSA or non-PSSA members to advertise personal photography related services)
600 pixels wide by 300 pixels high or
600 pixels wide by 600 pixels high
- Download this form: Advertisements on PSSA website by PSSA members
- Download this form: Advertisements on PSSA website by non-PSSA members
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