2015 Post PSSA National Congress Swellendam

Banner 925 revised 9 14 Aug


Swellendam Photographic Society


Cape Photographers

hosted 2015 PSSA National Congress in Swellendam during August this year.


Swellendam Tourism Photo Competition

The winner is Koos Fourie from Vanderbijlpark, a delegate of this Congress. Congratulations, Koos!


On the back roads of the Republic of Swellendam

This is what he said: “I was travelling in the early morning on the dirt road from Infanta / Malgas to Swellendam when I saw this scene with the sun from behind me just a few km from Swellendam. I immediately stopped and used a tripod to stabilize my camera. I looked through the viewfinder and adjusted my lens to get the desired composition. A vehicle was coming from behind me and was moving into the picture. I decided to capture the vehicle in the picture for a 3rd element of interest.” — in Swellendam, South Africa.


Click here for the results of the post Congress survey


Some Congress images below

(Click on the images to enlarge them.
If you open the first image and do nothing further, a slideshow of all the pictures will run.)


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