PSSA Youth Division Monthly Website Competition 2024

All Scholars/Students (up to 19 Years) may enter this competition which is running with the PSSA Youth Website Competition.

The categories are Open Colour, Open Monochrome, Nature, Photojournalism. Cell Open Colour and Cell Monochrome.

A total of 5 images which includes the 1 image for the PSSA Youth Website Competition may be entered per month.

All individual youth members may enter 1 image per set category.

The 2 categories are – Set Subject  and Cell phone Set Subject

The images will be judged and monthly winners will be announced.

The competition uses the online entry system.

Type the address in your browser and log in
or register if you are not already a user.

Go to “My Club” and proceed to “Join a club”.  Scroll down to “Schools-Youth Photographers” and click on “Request Join”.

Once you are accepted you can enter the monthly competition as follows:
•  Go to “My Club” and proceed to “My Club Entries”.
•  When the Event screen appear got to the Action with the closing date of the month you want to enter.
•  Click on “Enter Here” Proceed and upload your images for the competition.

The competition can only be entered via Photovault
If you don’t have an account in Photovault you can register and upload the images there.

There are PDF Tutorials on “Opening and registering a Photovault account”, “Uploading and entering of images for competitions” and “How to resize the images” available. To get these free tutorials, please send me an email request.

I can be contacted here or on my mobile (078 863 9184)

Phillip De Lange

PSSA Director: Youth Division

The SET THEMES for each month, with closing dates on the 20th of each Month are as follow:

January – Anything LIQUID/Enigiets VLOEIBAAR
Dit sluit enige vorm van enigiets wat kan vloei bv Water, verf, sap, ens. This includes anything that is liquid i.e., Water, paint, Juice etc.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Januarie 2023

Come show us how you view the beauty of steps. Hoe sien jy die mooi in trappe.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Februarie 2023

March – SELFIE
Your best selfie of yourself helping someone. Jou beste selfie van waar jy iemand help
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Maart 2023

April – SPORT
Any sport including physical hobbies – it must be outdoors. Enige sport insluitende aktiewe stokperdjies.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 april 2023

Any land, sea, urban. etc Scape. Enige land, see, of Stad toneel.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Mei 2023

Show us your best of Autumn – be it one leaf or many. We want to see the colours of the season. Skryf jou beste van Herfs in – al is dit net een blaar of baie. Ons wil die kleure van die seisoen sien. Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Junie 2023

July – FIRE and ICE
This theme may include both or just one of the elements. Hierdie tema kan beide of net een van die elemente insluit.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Julie 2023

Fruit in any form as long as we can identify it as a fruit. Vrugte in enige vorm, maar ons moet dit kan identifiseer as n vrug.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Augustus 2023

Here we are looking for circles, triangles and squares in Nature. It can be in composition or plainly visible by view. We want to see at least one of the forms in the image. Ons kyk hier na die driehoeke, sirkels en vierkante in die natuur. Dit kan in die komposisie voorkom of net duidelik sigbaar wees in die natuur. Ons wil ten minste een vorm in die foto idebtifiseer.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 September 2023

October – An unusual/’n Ongewone POV
Enige foto waar die POV van ‘n ander posisie is. Maw geen foto’s wat staande geneem is nie. Die foto moet uit ’n ongewone hoek bv laag onder na bo of van bo-af geneem wees. Any image taken from an unusual POV. Not the normal type of image. I.e. from down below or high up.
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 Oktober 2023

November – LIGHT/LIG
Show us an image taken with the use of natural lighting, or with the use of a light source, e.g. torch, candle, etc. (no studio lights). Kom wys ons ’n foto wat geneem is met die gebruik van natuurlike of ’n ander lig medium, bv flitslig, kers. ens. (Geen Studio ligte nie)
Sluitingsdatum: 23h59 op 20 November 2023


Open Colour

One way down – Lwandisenkosi Mkandla – Queens College
Click here to read more


Far in the distance – Amy-lee Clayton – Aristea Fotoklub
Click here to read more

Open Monochrome

Last sunbeams – Sofia Van Der Merwe – Charlie Hofmeyr HS
Click here to read more

Cell Set Subject

Rustic radiance – Danica Del Rio Maree – Zwarries Photography Club
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Jump high – Margot Scheepers – Hermies Photography Club
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Open Colour

Back to your roots – Liza Du Toit – Charlie Hofmeyr HS
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Fine Petals – Jeanine du Rand – Centurion Camera Club
Click here to read more 

Open Monochrome

The sad face – Angel Beziek – Aristea Fotoklub
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Cell Set Subject

Vurige horison – Karlien Venter – Christelike Privaatskool Malmesbury
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Leading the Race – Jeanine du Rand – Centurion Camera Club
Click here to read more 

Set Theme Photo

Rietvlei Eiland by Jeanine du Rand from Centurion Camera Club
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Open Colour

“Jump 1” by Martin Walters from Hoërskool Garsfontein
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“Little Brown Job” by HJ Coetzer from Zwarrie Fotografieklub
Click here to read more 

Open Monochrome

“Victorious” by Leupa Moeketsi from Queenstown College
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Cell Set Subject

“Play the game” by Isabel Nel from Hermies Photography Club
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“Short corner attempt” by HJ Coetzer from Zwarrie Fotografieklub
Click here to read more 


Open Colour

“Apaloosa” by Lizhan Ruschenbaum from Schools – Bellvile Hoërskool
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“flower droplet” by Amy-lee Clayton from Schools – Aristea Fotoklub

Open Monochrome

“out for a walk” by Raidon Myburg from Schools – Aristea Fotoklub

Cell Set Subject

“Job done and dusted” by Mincke Lottering from Schools – Christelike Privaatskool Malmesbury
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“giving it my all” by Michael Lindemann from Schools – Aristea Fotoklub


Open Monochrome

“Gymnast Back Bend” by Jeanine  du Rand from Centurion Camera Club
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“Green Mamba” by Stefan Botha from Schools – Hermies Photography Club
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Open Colour

“Steps to safety” by Karlien Venter from Schools – Christelike Privaatskool Malmesbury
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“Up for air” by Anjani Kara from Schools – Charlie Hofmeyr HS
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Cell Set Subject

“Spiral trappe” by Martin Walters from Schools – HS Garsfontein
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Set Subject

“Before AND After work…” by Mine  Prodehl  from Schools – Hermies Photography Club
Click here to read more


“Street Play” by  Charl Conradie from Charlie Hofmeyr HS

Ek is in  Charlie Hofmeyr en is tans in Graad 11

Hierdie foto is geneem op die St. Charles Bridge wat die twee kante van Prague in Czech Republic verbind. Die foto is geneem laat middag terwyl die son besig was on te sak. Hierdie is net een voorbeeld van straat opvoerders wat ons gesien het want daar was vele ander gewees wat die atmosfeer op die brug geskep het. Eers het ek net n video met my foon geneem van die opvoerders en nie gedink dit maak n foto nie maar toe besluit ek ek neem sommer n foto met my kamera en kyk wat gebeur. Ek dink hierdie foto vertel n storie en het dieper betekenis. Vir my beeld dit uit hoe die wyses en gryses ons kan vermaak en ons aandag kan aftrek van die besige wêreld waar ons soms sukkel om die mooi in die alledaagse lewe te sien.

Make: CanonModel: Canon EOS R8

Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 13.1 (Macintosh)

Date Taken: 2023-12-20 16:16:58

Exposure Time: 1/250 sec

F Number: f/4.5

ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 200

Exposure Program: Manual

Metering Mode: Multi-segment

Exposure Bias: 0 EV

Flash: No flash

Open Monochrome
“Monochrome trees” by  Christelle Engelbrecht from Charlie Hofmeyr HS

Ek is in Hoërskool Charlie Hofmeyr en is tans in Graad 9

Ek het die foto geneem, want die bome laat dit lyk asof die persoon op n pad is na ‘n woud. Ek het die foto op Ouplaas, in die Witzenberg vallei, geneem tydens my heel eerste fotografie werkswinkel.

Make: Canon

Model: Canon PowerShot SX60 HS


Date Taken: 2014-01-01 03:58:44

Exposure Time: 1/125 sec

F Number: f/4.5

ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 200

Exposure Program:

Metering Mode: Multi-segment

Exposure Bias: 0 EV

Flash: No flash, compulsory

Focal Length: 8.45 mm

Lens model:  35mm Equivalent

Cell Set Subject
“The way to the ocean” by  Jaco  Winterbach from Charlie Hofmeyr HS

Ek is in  HS Charlie Hofmeyr en is tans in Graad 12

Ek het op die strand gestap oppad huis toe toe ek op die mooi van die see af gekom het.  

Ek het die skoonheid van ons see en ons omgewing af geneem om vir die mense te wys in watter mooi land ons bly. 

Dit is in Langebaan en dit was n mooi oomblik van die see wat ek wou afneem om te onthou 

Make: Samsung

Model: SM-G990E

Software: Adobe Lightroom 9.0.1 (Android)

Date Taken: 2023-12-14 19:45:45

Exposure Time: 1/470 sec

F Number: f/1.8

ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 50

Exposure Program: Normal

Metering Mode: Center weighted average.

Exposure Bias: 0 EV

Flash: No flash

Focal Length: 5.4 mm

Lens model:  35mm Equivalent: 26 mm

Open Colour
“Silo palace” by  Sofia Van Der Merwe from Charlie Hofmeyr HS

Ek is in Charlie Hofmeyr en is tans in Graad 10.

Ons het vakansie gehou in Kaapstad en die Zeitz Museum gaan besoek. Dit is ‘n ongelooflike gebou wat eers silos vir graan was. Ek het die foto vasgevang van die hele prentjie net voordat ons moes gaan. Dit het als so mooi vasgevang en min editing was nodig.

Make: Apple

Model: iPhone 15 Pro

Software: Adobe Lightroom 9.1.0 (iOS)

Date Taken: 2024-01-09 15:00:45

Exposure Time: 1/120 sec

F Number: f/2.2

ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100

Exposure Program: Normal

Metering Mode: Spot

Exposure Bias: -1.3 EV

Flash: No flash,compulsory

Focal Length: 2.22 mm

35mm Equivalent: 14 mm

Lens Model: back triple camera 2.22mm f/2.2

Set Subject
“Honey” by  Stefan Botha from Hermies Photography Club

Ek is in  Hermanus Hoërskool en is tans in Graad 10

Die foto het ek baie oor gedink ek wou eers iets met water af neem en n long exposure doen maar dit het nie uitgewerk nie toe besluit ek en my ma om dit te probeer.

Ons het Eet lepels aan kerse vas gemaak as n “tripod” en beliging van bo voorsien terwyl ons heuning laat drip het.

Die foto bestaan uit heuining, leupels, ringlights sowell as n tripod en die wit agtergrond. Dit is geneem in n studio omgewing.

Nadat ons probeer long exposures neem van water het ek gedink aan baie goeie inspirasie wat ons juffrou vir ons gegee het asgevolg daarvan het ek besluit om dit te agtervolg.

Make: Canon

Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Software: Digital Photo Professional

Date Taken: 2024-01-20 06:14:14

Exposure Time: 1/80 sec

F Number: f/2.8

ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100

Exposure Program: Shutter priority

Metering Mode: Spot

Exposure Bias: 0 EV

Flash: No flash,compulsory

Focal Length: 70 mm

35mm Equivalent:

Lens Model: EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM

“Katvoet” by  Rian Engelbrecht from LS Koue Bokkeveld

Ek is in Laerskool Koue Bokkeveld en is tans in Graad 6.

Ons was Desember 2023 vir ’n paar dae in Kgalagadi Oorgrens Park vir ’n WARM vakansie. Ons het een middag uitgery om te kyk of ons diere kry en kom toe af op ’n leeu mannetjie en sy wyfie wat teen die pad lê en slaap in bykans 40 grade celcius. Hierdie is die leeuwyfie se voete. Sy het die hele tyd doodstil gelê, selfs toe ons veilig langs haar verbygery het.

Make: Canon

Model: Canon PowerShot SX60 HS


Date Taken: 2024-01-03 18:43:22

Exposure Time: 1/250 sec

F Number: f/5.6

ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 400

Exposure Program:

Metering Mode: Multi-segment

Exposure Bias: 0 EV

Flash: No flash,compulsory

Focal Length: 75.81 mm

Lens model 35mm Equivalent

Views: 472