Director for the Region: Francois Venter 083 676 0872
HS Centurion
Posbus 14054LYTTELTONGauteng0140Website
Meeting Venue
Klaskamer K24 Hoërskool Centurion
Meeting Schedule
2de en 4de week op Donderdae
2nd and 4th week each month on Thursdays
Contact Name
Melanie Langner084 312 3744 (c)
HS Oos-Moot
Posbus 31208TOTIUSDALPretoria0134Website
Meeting Venue
Room 23 @ HS Oos-Moot
Meeting Schedule
One week per term with a project in between.
Contact Name
M Koelman012 330 0057 (h)012 332 0601 (w)082 923 2345 (c)
Laerskool Constantiapark
Private Bag X32803GLENSTANTIAPretoria0010Website
Meeting Venue
School Hall
Meeting Schedule
1st Wednesday of the month
Contact Name
A J van Aardt082 922 9538 (c)
Laerskool Hennopspark
Posbus 12056CLUBVIEWCenturion0014Website
Meeting Venue
Laerskool Hennopspark, 7de Laan Centurion
Meeting Schedule
Elke 4de week op die 2de dag van die week
Contact Name
Philip Botha012 665 1349 (h)012 654 4308 (w)082 451 0688 (c)
Zwarrie Fotografieklub
Privaatsak X109HENNOPSPARKPretoria0157Website
Meeting Venue
Klaskamer by skool.
Meeting Schedule
3de week van die maand op Dinsdae
Contact Name
Anje J v Rensburg083 289 8181 (c)
Views: 29