Director for the Region: Bridgid Wickham 071 612 8066
Hamilton Photographic Club
PO Box 1533LADYSMITHKwazulu-Natal3370Website
Meeting Venue
Computer room
Meeting Schedule
The second week of the month on Friday.
Contact Name
Basil Stathoulis031 904 1383 (w)082 445 9630 (c)
Kearsney College
Private Bag 1001BOTHA'S HILLKwazulu-Natal3660Website
Meeting Venue
Classroom at Kearsney College
Meeting Schedule
Monday and Friday each week of month
Contact Name
Glenda Pitcher082 878 9240 (c)
Maritzburg College Camera Club
51 College RoadPIETERMARITZBURGKwazulu-Natal3201Meeting Venue
Maritzburg College
Meeting Schedule
First week of each month on the Monday of the week.
Contact Name
Debbie Gademan083 352 1707 (c)
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