For the purposes of competitions, salons and specialist honours applications all images entered in any of the two media (Prints and Projected Digital Images) are each divided into three categories: Nature, Open and Photojournalism (PJ). There are two categories for Audio-Visual, Open and Documentary.
- Any event choosing to run with any of the defined categories in this document must abide by these PSSA definitions
- Salons and competitions may choose to have other sections as well and for these they may make their own definitions. However, the definitions must be clear and precise.
- Disqualifications, should only be made when the salon director and/or judges are sure of their facts.
- PSSA reserves the right to withhold or disqualify any image which is considered to infringe the common laws of decency and copyright. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Members are reminded that they should read the rules of all events very carefully as the rules may differ.
Manipulation shall constitute any or all of the following modifications to the original image:
- Adding an element to the image that was not contained in the original capture;
- Removing an element from the image that was contained in the original capture;
- Moving or repositioning an element of the image that was contained in the original capture.
In the categories Nature and Photojournalism, manipulation is not allowed.
In Open there is no restriction whatsoever in the way authors choose to post process an image.
The following actions are allowed and are not seen as manipulation:
- Cropping
- Correction of lens distortion, chromatic aberrations, purple fringing, lens vignette and vertical/horizontal perspective adjustments;
- Removal of dust spots or scratch marks from sensor or scanned images;
- The blending of different exposures of the same scene to broaden the dynamic range e.g. High Dynamic Range (HDR);
- Photo stacking to overcome the limitations of the digital sensor heat artefacts in long exposures.
- Focus stacking to widen the depth of field especially in Macro photography. In the case of Nature and Wildlife, HDR and focus stacking will not be considered as manipulation and may be used provided that the end result is a faithful representation of the original scene.
Please note:
HDR and Focus stacking are not allowed in Photojournalism.
Study the rules for each event as they will be unique.
Please check the PSSA Approved Salon Definitions and Conditions of Entry in the Salon Directors Download Pack here on the website under point 2.
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