Hits: 502

All Scholars/Students (up to 19 Years) may enter this competition which is running with the PSSA Youth Website Competition.

The categories are Open Colour, Open Monochrome, Nature, Photojournalism. Cell Open Colour and Cell Monochrome.

A total of 5 images including the PSSA Youth Website Competition may be entered per month.

The SET THEMES for each month, with closing dates on the 25th of each Month are as follow:

Show us the world around you. Any image of what is around you i.e. in the house, in the country, in the city, at work, on holiday, etc. Wys ons hoe lyk die wêreld om jou. Dit kan ‘n enige foto wees van wat om jou is bv. in die huis, in die land, in die stad, in die skool, in die werk, op vakansie, ens.

Show us your best image with toys – let your imagination go with this. Wys ons jou beste foto met speelgoed.

March – SPORT
Any sport including physical hobbies – it must be outdoors. Enige sport insluitende aktiewe stokperdjies – dit moet buite sport wees.

Images with a natural frame i.e., through leaves, trees buildings, etc.  Fotos met a natuurlike raam bv blare, bome, geboue venster rame, ens.


Any bold colours – It must be more than one colour. Enige helder kleure – dit moet meer as een kleur wees.


An emotion is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred, which can be caused by the situation that you are in or the people you are with

September – MONOCHROME

Street photography at its essence means candid photography of humanity. A street photograph is a real moment. The genre is both about the photographer and their subject. Street Photographers filter the world to share what interests them and what they are feeling. However, the term itself is inherently unclear and clunky and it can cause very specific thoughts of what it is, such as black and white photographs of people walking down the street. There is much more beyond that. Street photography can be done anywhere and people do not have to be present in the photo.


November – Beste Foto van 2023
Enige twee fotos wat gedurende 2023 geneem is en of ingeskryf was by die klub. Die foto moet in die jaar geneem wees. Any two images taken during 2023 or entered at club. The image must be taken in 2023.

All individual youth members may enter 1 image per set category.

The 2 categories are – Set Subject  and Cell phone Set Subject

The images will be judged and monthly winners will be announced.

The competition uses the PhotoVaultOnline.com online entry system.

Type the address http://www.photovaultonline.com in your browser and log in
or register if you are not already a user.

Go to “My Club” and proceed to “Join a club”.  Scroll down to “Schools-Youth Photographers” and click on “Request Join”.

Once you are accepted you can enter the monthly competition as follows:
•  Go to “My Club” and proceed to “My Club Entries”.
•  When the Event screen appear got to the Action with the closing date of the month you want to enter.
•  Click on “Enter Here” Proceed and upload your images for the competition.

Should you wish to contact me, I can be reached via e-mail (antonlagrange@gmail.com) or cell phone (084 442 4442)
or Phillip De Lange (youthwcpf@gmail.com) or Cell Phone 078 83 9184

NOVEMBER WINNER of Set theme: Food Photography

Digital Camera

“Green Ice” by Aanisha Daames

I am in Gr.7 and from the Aristea Photo Club.  I took this photo because it reminded me of how nature has to try to survive and the ice melting down while humans are toxic threats and affect our planet so badly.

Model: NIKON D5500
Software: Adobe Photoshop 25.0 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-10-27 14:28:18
Exposure Time: 0.77 sec
F Number: f/7.1
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Aperture priority
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: -1 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 42 mm
35mm Equivalent: 63 mm

NOVEMBER Runner-up

Digital Camera

“The rainbow ice block” deur Noah Cardinal

Ek is ‘n leerder van Seamount Primary School en is tans in Graad 1.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 600D
Date Taken: 2023-11-25 15:51:38
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec
F Number: f/8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 25 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 III

OCTOBER WINNER of Set theme: Street Photography

Digital Camera

“Go” deur Luc Joubert

I am a scholar at Charlie Hofmeyr High School and in Grade 10


I took this image during my school holiday early in 2023 while wondering around the streets of central Cape Town. I was on my way to New York Bagels to get a snack for lunch when I noticed these two stylish gentlemen while waiting at the robot on the corner of Buitenkant and Albertus Street, I crossed the street and quickly snapped this photo mid crossing to avoid getting in the way of cars.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS RP
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.0.1 (Macintosh)
Date Taken: 2023-01-16 12:13:47
Exposure Time: 1/160 sec
F Number: f/5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 400
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 50 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF50mm f/1.8 II


Digital Camera

“Wag vir ons beurt” deur Jeanine  du Rand

Ek is ‘n leerder van Hoërskool Zwartkop en is tans in Graad 10.    

Die foto is tydens ’n sport dag geneem van ’n laerskool in die omgewing.  Die drie seuns het langs die sport veld gestaan en wag. 

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 550D
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2016-06-02 15:00:21
Exposure Time: 1/1000 sec
F Number: f/4
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 400
Exposure Program: Action(high speed)
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 85 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model:


Cell Phone

“Street performers” by Johané Hattingh

Ek is ‘n leerling by Aristea Laerskool en is huidig in Graad 6

“Street performers”

Ek het gesien hoe die mense oor die pad hardloop en het gedink as hulle vir my pose vir die kamera sal dit baie mooi lyk. Ek het dittoe gedoen en dit is die eindresultaat.

Make: samsung
Model: SM-A536E
Software: Adobe Photoshop 25.0 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-10-13 13:29:56
Exposure Time: 1/1980 sec
F Number: f/1.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 50
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 5.23 mm
35mm Equivalent: 24 mm


Cell Phone

“Enjoying the ride” by Carla-Dé Williams

I am a scholar at  Aristea Primary School and are in Grade 7

I was glancing through all the views and then my eye just caught this lonely man riding a bicycle along a busy road with all it’s activities.

Model: CDY-NX9A
Software: Adobe Photoshop 25.0 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-10-13 13:29:20
Exposure Time: 1/1684 sec
F Number: f/1.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 50
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 5.58 mm
35mm Equivalent: 68 mm

SEPTEMBER WINNER of Set theme: Monochrome

Digital Camera

“Smoke and Mirrors” by Simone Rossouw 

Ek is ‘n leerling by Hoërskool Zwartkop en is huidig in Graad  12

“Smoke and Mirrors”  

Nothing is as it seems.

I took this picture to try and capture this very truth.

Hence the name Smoke and mirrors.

File Name: “Smoke and Mirrors”

Taken with
Make: Nikon
Model: D3200


Digital Camera

“Verlate” deur Jani van der Merwe

Ek is ‘n leerder van Hoërskool Charlie Hofmeyr en is tans in Graad 11.

Tydens die Junie vakansie van 2023 het ons ‘n avontuur gesoek op ‘n reënerige dag in die Tankwa Karoo. Op pad na ‘n destinasie het ons ‘n paar ou, verlate mure en huisies ontdek. Natuurlik het ek en my sussie die geleentheid aangegryp om vinnig uit die kar te spring en die huisies te verken voordat ons kameras te nat word. Eintlik het ons eers verbygery op pad na ons bestemming, maar met die terugkeer het ons mooi gevra of ons kon stop om  goeie oomblikke deur die lens vas te vang. Hierdie foto het vir my geleer dat die mooiste oomblikke soms opduik op plekke wat miskien nie veel aandag kry nie. En dit het my herinner dat jy die eerste keer wat jy iets mooi raaksien, moet afneem, want soms kry mens nie ‘n tweede kans wat presies soos die eerste is nie!

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 800D
Software: Adobe Lightroom 6.2 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-06-27 14:49:33
Exposure Time: 1/1250 sec
F Number: f/5.6
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 800
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 18 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM


Cell Phone

“Reading the Word” by Ansophi Smit

Ek is ‘n leerling by Hoërskool Charlie Hofmeyr.

Reading the Word

Die foto is op ons plaas in die kouebokke geneem.

Ek en my ouer broer wou gaan fotos neemToe vat hy sy cowboy hoed en bybel saam toe hou ons n fotoshoot vir hom.

Hy wou n foto hê van hom met sy bybel toe neem ek vir hom een en dit het toe as die beste foto van hulle almal uitgekom.


Cell Phone

“Misty morning” by Jesse de Maroussem

I am a grade 8 learner from Maritzburg College

“Misty morning”

On an early Friday morning I was walking up to school from the main entrance. It was early, and no cars were parked there yet. I noticed how beautiful our beloved statue looked standing alone in the mist. We don’t see it like this often because it is a busy area of the school and there are usually people around. It looked different being so alone. I took quite a few shots to get the best angle.

Taken with
Make: Huawei nova
Model: Y70 plus
Date Taken: 28 July 2023

AUGUST WINNER of Set theme: Emotions

Digital Camera

“Sacrifice” by Lwandisenkosi Mkandla

I am a scholar At Queens College, Eastern Cape and are currently in Grade 11.       


So it was a Saturday morning and we were ready to travel down to East London, we were playing a classic clash vs Selbourne College which is one of the most traditional fixtures we face twice a year. As our first team were going into play their last fixture of the year the team consisted of mostly matrics who were going to be playing their last game. As the final whistle blew for the end of the match there was a lot of raw emotions that came out of every player when Queen’s won their game and luckily I was at the right place at the right time to take a photo of Queenians holding their number 13 together as so many emotions were running through him at the time.

File Name: SS001-2270842-Sacrifice.jpg
Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 90D
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-07-29 14:46:48
Exposure Time: 1/750 sec
F Number: f/3.5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 2000
Exposure Program: Shutter priority
Metering Mode: Partial
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 28 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM

AUGUST Runner-Up

Digital Camera

“Means more” by Ndaba Mgudlwa

I am a scholar at Queens College, Eastern Cape and are currently in grade 11          

Means more

It was after the first team match in East London against Selborne College. We managed to beat them home and away for the first time since 2006. So as I was happy and joyful, I saw the rest of the first team members so I started taking until I came across this particular image. I took the picture to capture the moment

File Name: SS001-2270703-means more.jpg
Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 30D
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-07-29 16:43:37
Exposure Time: 1/200 sec
F Number: f/5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 1600
Exposure Program: Shutter priority
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 55 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: 55.0-250.0 mm


Cell Phone

“Power” by Zethn Desebrook

I am a member of Maritzburg College Camera Club and in grade 11


The photo was taken during a song that was being sung at a jazz and choir evening.  It was a powerful song and produced the action and expression.  I was standing behind him causing his silhouette against the stage lights

The photograph was taken with a Huawei mate 20

AUGUST Runner-Up

Cell Phone

“Smiling thorugh a mirror” by Johane Hattingh

Ek is ‘n leerling by Aristea Laerskool en is huidig in Graad 6

Smiling through a mirror

Ons moes foto’s van emosie neem. Toe lê my spieëltjie daar en ek besluit om uit die boks te dink en myself daarin te neem. Ek het nogals gedink dit is cute.

Make: samsung
Model: SM-A536E
Software: ACDSee Pro 5
Date Taken: 2023-08-03 18:32:11
Exposure Time: 1/14 sec
F Number: f/1.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 1000
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 5.23 mm
35mm Equivalent: 24 mm

JULY WINNER of Set theme: Creative Light

Digital Camera

“Divine Light” deur Daniél Conradie

Ek is ‘n skolier by Hoërskool Charlie Hofmeyr en tans in Graad 12

Divine Light

Ons was oppad Prieska toe gewees vir vakansie. Ek was besig om te ry en dit was heeldag  bewolk. Ek het die windpomp en die sonstrale gesien en dadelik gestop. Ek het die kamera gegryp en uitgespring om die foto te neem. Ek kon nie heeltemal die kraglyn uitsny nie so toe besluit ek, ek gaan die hele een in neem om net hierdie ongelooflik landskap vas te vang. Terug by die huis toe ek die foto’s aflaai toe besef ek hierdie foto met die kraglyn in is die beste foto!.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS RP
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.4 (Macintosh)
Date Taken: 2023-06-27 12:54:55
Exposure Time: 1/500 sec
F Number: f/4.5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 84 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM

JULY Runner-Up

Digital Camera

“Light in the Night” deur Jeanine du Rand

Ek is ‘n skolier by Hoërskool Zwartkop en tans in Graad 10           

Ek wou graag ’n play-with-light foto probeer, en toe het my pa vir my ’n lig gebou van ’n deursigtige PVC pyp en LED liggies.  Ons het gewag tot beurtkrag begin het in die aand, en toe die kamera opgestel op die tripod voor die motorhuis, en die foto geneem terwyl my pa die lig agter my beweeg en geswaai het. 

Light in the Night

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 600D
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2022-07-09 19:38:41
Exposure Time: 9 sec
F Number: f/22
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 18 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II


Cell Phone

“Divine Luminescence” by Ahmed Cotwal

I am in King Edward VII School and in grade 11.

Divine Luminescence

As I stepped outside I noticed the ground was bathed in a soft glow.  I was drawn into a world where reality and imagination merge. The sky transported me to a realm where the sky is a canvas for the fantastical, where nature’s beauty is illuminated by a celestial glow. It’s a reminder that there’s magic in the ordinary, and that sometimes, looking up at the sky can fill our hearts with wonder and awe, inviting us to dream beyond the boundaries of the known.

Make: Samsung
Model: S22 Ultra
Software: Adobe Lightroom
Exposure: 1/100
ISO: 50
Aperture: f/2.2
Focal Length: 20mm
Exposure Bias: -2.0

JUNE WINNER of Set theme: Bold Colours

Digital Camera

“Colourful Ambience” deur Enya Zipfel

Ek is ‘n skolier by Hoërskool Hermanus en tans in Graad 12

Colourful Ambience

The sun came out briefly on a chilly October day in Tübingen, Germany. Soon there was a bustling atmosphere in the colourful surrounding of flowers and painted houses. This picture captures the elderly man who filled the air with the sweet sound of the melodica.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 200D
Software: Adobe Lightroom 7.5.1 (Android)
Date Taken: 2022-10-07 11:50:03
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec
F Number: f/8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Landscape
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 18 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 III

JUNE Runner-Up

Digital Camera

“Tornado of Light” deur Thomas Bothè

Ek is ‘n skolier by HTS Drostdy en tans in Graad 12

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 70D
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2022-08-08 17:50:58
Exposure Time: 3.2 sec
F Number: f/16
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 17 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM


Cell Phone

“Colourful Homes” by Johane Hattingh

I am in Aristea Primary School and in grade 6

“Colourful homes”

Ons was op ‘n dag-uitstappie om foto’s te neem. Toe ons by Muizenberg stop toe sien ek die verskillende helder huisies sien, toe laat dit my baie gelukkig voel en toe wou ek dit vasvang op my foon.

Make: samsung
Model: SM-A536E
Software: ACDSee Pro 5
Date Taken: 2023-05-27 08:05:50
Exposure Time: 1/366 sec
F Number: f/1.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 50
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 5.23 mm
35mm Equivalent: 24 mm

JUNE Runner-Up

Cell Phone

“Fruity” by Michael Lindemann

I am in Aristea Primary School and in grade 6


I took this photo at home when I was thinking of an idea for a good photo. I tried to make the photo look unique and decided to use banana and kiwi fruit because there is a nice contrast between the fruit, then I used a black background to let the fruit stand out.

Model: SAMSUNG WB2100
Software: ACDSee Pro 5
Date Taken: 2021-05-03 17:33:34
Exposure Time: 0.5 sec
F Number: f/3
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Spot
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 4.5 mm
35mm Equivalent: 12577 mm

MAY WINNER of Set theme: A Picture within a Picture

Digital Camera

“Double Reflection” deur Thomas Bothè

Ek is ‘n skolier by HTS Drostdy en tans in Graad 12.

Ek het die foto geneem as ‘n bron van inspirasie nadat ek ‘n ander fotograaf se werk gesien het. Ek het my eie “twist” op die foto gesit om dit ‘n unieke uitdrukking van myself te maak. Die foto is geneem terwyl ons op die pad was en beperkte moontlikhede gehad het. Ek wou die omgewing vertoon, maar my persoonlike aanslag in die foto opneem.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS R6
Software: Adobe Lightroom 6.1 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2022-08-25 15:03:36
Exposure Time: 1/250 sec
F Number: f/5.6
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 43 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: RF24-105mm F4 L IS USM

MAY Runner-Up

Digital Camera

“Happy in history” by Ané Sauer

Ek is ‘n skolier by HS Charlie Hofmeyr en tans in Graad  9.

Ek was bevoorreg om gedurende die skool vakansie Kolmanskop in Namibië te besoek saam met my familie. Ek en my tweelingsuster, Elsie, het die perseel verken en ons het afgekom op die raam in die muur. Sy het toe model gespeel en ek kon toe ‘n baie mooi foto van haar neem. Dit pas toe baie mooi in met die maand se tema van: ‘n foto in ‘n foto.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS M50m2
Date Taken: 2023-04-02 11:53:45
Exposure Time: 1/100 sec
F Number: f/4.5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 400
Exposure Program: Shutter priority
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 24 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM


Cell Phone

“Twins” by Brent Gademan

I am a scholar at Maritzburg College in Pietermaritzburg and I am in Grade 11.

I was on holiday with my family at Lake Eland.  I liked the spectacular sky and decided to do something unusual with it.  The photo was taken using the panoramic function.  As I moved the camera past my mother’s reflection, I paused it and asked her to move before continuing to the top of the frame.  The result was an optical illusion of the reflection in a picture that doesn’t appear to come from anywhere.  This is a fun technique that I use often with my family. 

Make: Samsung
Model: SM-A307FN
Software: A307FNXXU2BTD1
Date Taken: 2020-12-29 18:56:24
ISO Speed Ratings:
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Average
Focal Length: 1.42 mm
35mm Equivalent: 13 mm

MAY Runner-Up

Cell Phone

“Floating feather” by Michael Lindemann

I am in Aristea Primary School and in Grade 6.

I was on a photography outing with my school. I tried to find a calm background with water to place a feather. I am inspired by original unique photo’s which is how I got the idea.

Model: SAMSUNG WB2100
Software:   0.7d00
Date Taken: 2021-03-17 15:55:59
Exposure Time: 1/861 sec
F Number: f/3
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Multi-spot
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 4.5 mm
35mm Equivalent: 12578 mm

APRIL WINNER of Set theme: Natural Frames

Digital Camera

“Sunset at Walvisbay” deur Ané Sauer

Ek is ‘n skolier by HS Charlie Hofmeyr en tans in Graad  9

Ek was saam met my familie op vakansie in Namibië en het een aand gaan uiteet by ‘n restaurant. Daar was die mooiste sonsondergang wat ek afneem het. Ek sien toe ‘n gat in ‘n klip en neem toe die foto deur die gat om ‘n natuurlike raam te kry.

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS M50m2
Date Taken: 2023-04-05 18:51:22
Exposure Time: 1/125 sec
F Number: f/10
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Shutter priority
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 41 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-M15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM

APRIL Runner-Up

Digital Camera

“On film” by Luc Joubert

I am a scholar at Charlie Hofmeyr High School and is currently in Grade 10

I took this during the early days of my photography journey while walking along Victoria Road between Sea Point and Clifton in Cape Town during a December holiday. I had noticed the containers of the ship peeking through the blanket of fog and then waited until I reached a spot with the right angle to snap this mysterious photograph.

Model: NIKON D70s
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.0.1 (Macintosh)
Date Taken: 2021-01-08 20:54:11
Exposure Time: 1/800 sec
F Number: f/7.1
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 200
Exposure Program:
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 190 mm
35mm Equivalent: 285 mm
Lens Model: AF Zoom-Nikkor 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6


Cell Phone

“Sailing home” by Ross Froise

I am a scholar at  Maritzburg College in Pietermaritzburg and I am in  Grade 12.

I was standing on the docks of the Gordan’s bay harbour and I saw a fishing boat out at sea and saw the dolosse. I knew the theme for the competition and when I saw the boat and the dolosse with holes, I knew that there was a good photo opportunity.

APRIL Runner-Up

Cell Phone

“Perfection” by Mine Warnich

I am a scholar at CPM (Christian Private School) in Malmesbury and I am in  Grade 5.

We have a grenade tree on our farm and during the long weekend we picked some of them. I don’t like eating them but they have the most beautiful colour. I was walking back from the grenade tree looking around when I saw our farm back door with its glass windows. The idea just came up!

Taken with:
Make: samsung Galaxy
Model: A32

MARCH WINNER of Set theme: Sport

Digital Camera

“Sand getref” deur Sofia Van Der Merwe

Ek is ‘n skolier by HS Charlie Hofmeyr en tans in Graad 9

Ons het ‘n atletiekbyeenkoms gehad by die Coetzenburg stadion. Ek het die idee gekry van ‘n foto by die verspring put, gaan sit en wag toe vir die regte oomblik. Die atleet spring, tref die sand en ek kon toe die perfekte foto vasvang.

Taken with:

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 800D
Software: Adobe Lightroom 8.2.1 (iOS)
Date Taken: 2023-02-21 13:21:50
Exposure Time: 1/1000 sec
F Number: f/4.5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Shutter priority
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 61 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM

MARCH Runner-Up

Digital Camera

“Hockey vs Rivals” deur Duncan Hayes

I am a scholar at Queens college and is currently in Grade 9

I started photography because my dad inspired me to do so. He was a photographer at school and I thought it was an amazing thing to do in my free time. Pictures provide a platform for our individual and unique perceptions of an experience. They express the sport they love to play and it shows that.

Taken with:

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 500D
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2023-03-12 11:07:05
Exposure Time: 1/1250 sec
F Number: f/5.6
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 500
Exposure Program: Action(high speed)
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 130 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model:


Cell Phone

“Above sea level” by Mine Warnich

I am a scholar at CPM (Christian Private School) in Malmesbury and I am in  Grade 5

We went to Strandfontein for the long weekend and my cousin agree to be my subject. We love taking pictures of each other and the only sport equipment we had around was a hockey stick!

I turned my phone upside down (a trick learnt from my aunt) and put if level with the ground with the focus on the subject.

FEBRUARY WINNER of Set theme: Toys/Speelgoed

Digital Camera

“Head-space” deur Daniel Van den Heever

Ek is ‘n skolier by HS Hermanus en tans in Graad 12.

Dié foto is tot ‘n mate te danke aan Eskom. Ek het al vir ‘n rukkie aan ‘n soortgelyke konsep gedink, maar toe donkerte toeslaan tydens beurtkrag, toe gebruik ek die geleentheid om dié foto te neem. Die blou lig is sommer my selfoon skerm, waarop ek toe my kleinboet se Lego-ruimtemannetjie gesit het. Aangesien daar geen ander bron van lig in die kamer was nie, was die agtergrond vanself donker genoeg vir die foto om te werk.

Geneem met:

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL
Software: Adobe Lightroom 8.1.2 (Android)
Date Taken: 2023-02-15 20:49:41
Exposure Time: 0.17 sec
F Number: f/5.6
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 400
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 18 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6


Digital Camera

“Small on a big road” deur Sofia Van Der Merwe

Ek is ‘n skolier by HS Charlie Hofmeyr en tans in Graad 9

Ons het ‘n fotografie werkswinkel gehad en een van die kategorieë was speelgoed.

Ek wou toe ‘n agtergrond hê waarop die karretjie gewoonlik sal voorkom en plaas hom toe in die middel van ‘n plaas pad. Daar was min editing nodig.

Geneem met:

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 800D
Software: Adobe Lightroom 8.2.1 (iOS)
Date Taken: 2023-02-03 19:02:51
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec
F Number: f/5
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 60 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S60mm f/2.8 Macro USM


Cell Phone

“Vietnam” by Riley Kleinhans

I am a scholar of Maritzburg College and in grade 12

I was gifted some toy soldiers and so I wanted to create some life like photos of them.

This led me to practising until capturing ‘Vietnam’.                      

Taken with:

Model: s21
Software: Picasa/Android
Date Taken: 30/12/2022


Cell Phone

“Dragon Slayer” deur Danica Del Rio Maree

I am a member of Zwarries Photography club and a scholar at Zwartkop High School.

“Dragon Slayer”

I filled a bowl with water and placed the toy dragon into it.  Positioned the bowl on the borderline of the swimming pool for the water background.  When I was ready to take the photo, I added dry ice to the bowl and inside the dragons mouth for the smoke effect.

Taken with:

Make: Samsung
Model: SM-A326B
Software: Adobe Photoshop 23.1 (Macintosh)
Date Taken: 2022-05-27 16:36:13
Exposure Time: 1/60 sec
F Number: f/1.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 125
Exposure Program:
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash,compulsory
Focal Length: 4.6 mm
35mm Equivalent:

JANUARY WINNER of Set theme: The world around me

Digital Camera

“Tidle” deur Charl Conradie

Ek is ‘n skolier by HS Charlie Hofmeyr en tans in Graad 10

Ek het die foto geneem bokant die strand van Stilbaai. Ek het ‘n paar fotos geneem maar net met hierdie een het die golwe perfek reg uitgewerk. Die editing na die tyd het ook maklik verloop en ek het van die begin af geweet watse foto ek soek

Geneem met:

Make: DJI
Model: FC7303
Software: Adobe Lightroom 8.1.0 (iOS)
Date Taken: 2022-12-15 17:47:23
Exposure Time: 1/1600 sec
F Number: f/2.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Manual
Metering Mode: Center weighted average.
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash function
Focal Length: 4.49 mm
35mm Equivalent: 24 mm


Digital Camera

“Chinese New Year Celebration” deur Jeanine du Rand 

Ek is ‘n skolier van Hoërskool Zwartkop in Centurion, Pretoria – in Graad 10

Geneem met:

Make: Canon
Model: Canon EOS 550D
Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows)
Date Taken: 2016-02-07 11:10:55
Exposure Time: 1/100 sec
F Number: f/6.3
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 100
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 55 mm
35mm Equivalent:
Lens Model: EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II


Cell phone

“Fun on the farm” deur HJ Coetzer

Ek is ‘n skolier van Hoërskool Zwartkop in Centurion in Graad 11.

Ons was op die plaas vir Kersfees en ons het ’n trekkerwiel aan die agterkant van die bakkie vas gemaak.Ons het dit agter die bakkie aan gesleep en lekker daarop gery.

Geneem met:

Make: Ulefone
Model: Armor 8
Software: Adobe Photoshop 23.1 (Macintosh)
Date Taken: 2022-12-23 17:27:02
Exposure Time: 1/1271 sec
F Number: f/2.2
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 110
Exposure Program:
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Flash
Focal Length: 3.95 mm
35mm Equivalent: 20 mm
Lens Model:
GPS: 24.8888073 S  ,  28.5635071 E


Cell phone

“Lande” deur Juan la Grange

Ek is lid van Charlie Hofmeyr Fotografie Klub.  Ek is ‘n skolier by Hoërskool Charlie Hofmeyr in Ceres. Graad 10 c.

Ek het die foto geneem want dit is ‘n mooi voorstelling van die natuur rondom ons en ‘n voorbeeld van wat die Here vir ons gemaak het. Geneem vanaf ‘n damwal.

Geneem met:

Make: Samsung
Model: SM-A325F
Software: A325FXXU2CVK3
Date Taken: 2023-01-12 14:20:56
Exposure Time: 1/1252 sec
F Number: f/1.8
ISO Speed Ratings: ISO 25
Exposure Program: Normal
Metering Mode: Center weighted average
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No flash
Focal Length: 4.6 mm
35mm Equivalent: 25 mm
Lens Model:

Views: 121