I have been a member of the Cape Town Photographic Society since 2008.
I have served on the council for the past six years as the Education and Development officer. I really enjoy learning about photography every day and have a worldwide connection with many professional photographers who I can draw on for presentations.
I have obtained my LPSSA, APSSA in PDI and prints and the FPSSA in Prints.
In 2020 I received the Impala trophy for prints.
I also have entered many international salons and recently received my AFIAP acceptance.
I am a lover of the arts and photograph for Cape Town Opera and Cape Town City Ballet as well as Cape Philharmonic Orchestra and Zip Zap circus.
I am most at peace photographing landscapes and stars and have a deep love for the Kgalagadi reserve which I visit at least twice yearly to photograph wildlife.
I am most drawn to architectural forms and love to make abstract fine art images mostly in black and white. I love to travel in search of such.
I lead long exposure workshop tours to my favourite European destination being Venice!
I am honoured to be included in the honours judging panel amongst so many inspiring photographic masters!
Below a gallery of Kim’s images
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