Junior Club Competition Winners October 2021

AFO Photography Club Andre Venter Emotional baggage of a teenager

Andre Venter from AFO Photography Club is our October winner!

Andre, congratulations on your winning image – Emotional baggage of a teenager


Andre says:
As the father of a son who had just turned 13 (model in this photo), the story behind this photo is very close to home for me.

Recently so many teenagers have gone missing in our community and surrounding areas. Many times, it is out of free will that these teens leave home, but unfortunately due to external factors. The latest young lady was from my son’s school. His reaction to the teen leaving home made me feel so proud of the extremely open channel of communication we have with our boy, but it also made me realize how many teens out there do not have parents who are involved and open to what their kids have to say.

So, with this photo, as a family we would like to inspire parents to really take the time to listen, look further than the eye can see and become deeply involved in your teenager’s emotions. Support them in every aspect of their lives and make yourselves available, open, and ready to embrace anything they bring to you.

The idea with the black background was to visually display the immediate darkness that surrounds an individual with heavy emotional baggage. For that person, there is no layer of ‘light’ surrounding them. The make-up was done in a manner to show the compartmentalizing of one’s inner emotions and that your emotional scars are a deep, dark burden that consumes your physical being.

Camera Settings :
Canon 5DIV
Canon 50mm 1.8
ISO 400

Our 1st runner-up is Jayesh Hargovan from Sandton Photographic Society with “Life and Death”

Sandton Photographic Society   Jayesh  Hargovan    Life and Death


Our 2nd runner-up is Petri Banks from Midlens Fotoklub with “Where is the barn”

Midlens Fotoklub   Petri Banks   Where is the barn


Thank you to the judges:

Lesley Parolis – Cape Town Photographic Society
Rob Heffer – Port Elizabeth Camera Club
Jacoba Van Zyl – Cape Town Photographic Society


Click here for the October scoresheet for Juniors


OCTOBER JUNIOR CLUB WINNERS FINALISTS (You can click on the images to enlarge them and use the arrows on the image to go back and forth.)


(these images are also available on Dropbox to download and show at your club evenings  – just forward the webmaster your email address and ask to be added to the shared folder)

Alta Oosthuizen Bridge to Fairyland

Alta Oosthuizen Bridge to Fairyland

Alta Oosthuizen Light at the end of the tunnel

Alta Oosthuizen Light at the end of the tunnel

Alta Oosthuizen Little Meal

Alta Oosthuizen Little Meal

Alta Oosthuizen Mono Tranquility

Alta Oosthuizen Mono Tranquility

Alta Oosthuizen Sushi for the kids

Alta Oosthuizen Sushi for the kids

Charmaine Joubert Hyena chasing off jackals

Charmaine Joubert Hyena chasing off jackals

Charmaine Joubert It is all about the stripes

Charmaine Joubert It is all about the stripes

Charmaine Joubert Meeting the youngster

Charmaine Joubert Meeting the youngster

Charmaine Joubert Stolen KiIl

Charmaine Joubert Stolen KiIl

Charmaine Joubert Sunset colours of the sea

Charmaine Joubert Sunset colours of the sea

Derrick Smit Impala duel BW

Derrick Smit Impala duel BW

Derrick Smit Late afternoon meal

Derrick Smit Late afternoon meal

Derrick Smit Pale chanting goshawk breakfast

Derrick Smit Pale chanting goshawk breakfast

Derrick Smit Stalking caracal

Derrick Smit Stalking caracal

Derrick Smit Sweni lions BW

Derrick Smit Sweni lions BW

Dewald Tromp Agressive display

Dewald Tromp Agressive display

Dewald Tromp At the waters edge

Dewald Tromp At the waters edge

Dewald Tromp Going for goal

Dewald Tromp Going for goal

Dewald Tromp Het vir Jessie

Dewald Tromp Het vir Jessie

Dewald Tromp Nighttime at Kubu

Dewald Tromp Nighttime at Kubu

Dirk Heyns Family fun

Dirk Heyns Family fun

Dirk Heyns Ghost in the smoke

Dirk Heyns Ghost in the smoke

Dirk Heyns Oorveeg

Dirk Heyns Oorveeg

Dirk Heyns Punch

Dirk Heyns Punch

Dirk Heyns Slaappil

Dirk Heyns Slaappil

Francios van der Walt Backlit lion family

Francios van der Walt Backlit lion family

Francois Venter Angel

Francois Venter Angel

Francois Venter Blood Forrest

Francois Venter Blood Forrest

Francois Venter On the lookout

Francois Venter On the lookout

Francois Venter Quellas

Francois Venter Quellas

Francois Venter Twins

Francois Venter Twins

Francois van der Walt  Big hug for mom

Francois van der Walt Big hug for mom

Francois van der Walt Backlit heron

Francois van der Walt Backlit heron

Francois van der Walt Beautiful Namib

Francois van der Walt Beautiful Namib

Francois van der Walt Big breakfast

Francois van der Walt Big breakfast

Haig Fourie Al my pote nodig.jpg

Haig Fourie Al my pote nodig.jpg

Haig Fourie Fun.jpg

Haig Fourie Fun.jpg

Haig Fourie Hallo.jpg

Haig Fourie Hallo.jpg

Haig Fourie Kruiper.jpg

Haig Fourie Kruiper.jpg

Haig Fourie Talya BW.jpg

Haig Fourie Talya BW.jpg

Hannes van den Berg Lets cuddle

Hannes van den Berg Lets cuddle

Hannes van den Berg Purple banded sunbird

Hannes van den Berg Purple banded sunbird

Hannes van den Berg Randolph

Hannes van den Berg Randolph

Hannes van den Berg Romeo in despair

Hannes van den Berg Romeo in despair

Hannes van den Berg Smoking Hot

Hannes van den Berg Smoking Hot

Heather Meintjes Flamingo Fight

Heather Meintjes Flamingo Fight

Heather Meintjes Mud Braids

Heather Meintjes Mud Braids

Heather Meintjes Toothy Yawn

Heather Meintjes Toothy Yawn

Heather Meintjes Trunks Up Mono

Heather Meintjes Trunks Up Mono

Heather Meintjes Up Close and Personal

Heather Meintjes Up Close and Personal

Herman van der Walt Augrabies Canyon

Herman van der Walt Augrabies Canyon

Herman van der Walt Cullinan train

Herman van der Walt Cullinan train

Herman van der Walt Egg nebula

Herman van der Walt Egg nebula

Herman van der Walt Runner

Herman van der Walt Runner

Herman van der Walt Tug of war

Herman van der Walt Tug of war

Louise De Lange Chameleon

Louise De Lange Chameleon

Louise De Lange Lines

Louise De Lange Lines

Louise De Lange Lonely tree

Louise De Lange Lonely tree

Louise De Lange Pelican with fish

Louise De Lange Pelican with fish

Louise De Lange Reflections

Louise De Lange Reflections

Mariana Visser Falling apart

Mariana Visser Falling apart

Mariana Visser Game of Thrones

Mariana Visser Game of Thrones

Mariana Visser Nix

Mariana Visser Nix

Mariana Visser The dancer

Mariana Visser The dancer

Mariana Visser free floating

Mariana Visser free floating

Neels Beyers Bridge in between

Neels Beyers Bridge in between

Neels Beyers Sacred Ibis overhead

Neels Beyers Sacred Ibis overhead

Neels Beyers Spiral staircase going up

Neels Beyers Spiral staircase going up

Neels Beyers Waterbuck

Neels Beyers Waterbuck

Phillip John De Lange Beach Houses

Phillip John De Lange Beach Houses

Phillip John De Lange Beauty Horse Portrait

Phillip John De Lange Beauty Horse Portrait

Phillip John De Lange Energy explosion

Phillip John De Lange Energy explosion

Phillip John De Lange Small river lagoon

Phillip John De Lange Small river lagoon

Phillip John De Lange Stiff upperlip

Phillip John De Lange Stiff upperlip

Pieter Swart Flamingo Estates

Pieter Swart Flamingo Estates

Pieter Swart Masts

Pieter Swart Masts

Pieter Swart Mother and Child

Pieter Swart Mother and Child

Pieter Swart Nedbank

Pieter Swart Nedbank

Pieter Swart Watchful

Pieter Swart Watchful

Russell James Chobe Elephant

Russell James Chobe Elephant

Russell James Hyaena cubs testing their strength

Russell James Hyaena cubs testing their strength

Russell James Polocrosse Thumping Tackle

Russell James Polocrosse Thumping Tackle

Russell James Preditor in the Dark

Russell James Preditor in the Dark

Russell James Wild Dogs Pups with kill

Russell James Wild Dogs Pups with kill

Simon Fletcher Apocalypse

Simon Fletcher Apocalypse

Simon Fletcher Blast Off

Simon Fletcher Blast Off

Simon Fletcher Breakfast Caught

Simon Fletcher Breakfast Caught

Simon Fletcher Crocodile Rock

Simon Fletcher Crocodile Rock

Simon Fletcher Dragonfly Catch

Simon Fletcher Dragonfly Catch

Willem Kruger Blind runner legs

Willem Kruger Blind runner legs

Willem Kruger Hyena Zebra tongue

Willem Kruger Hyena Zebra tongue

Willem Kruger Jackal king

Willem Kruger Jackal king

Willem Kruger Leopard head m

Willem Kruger Leopard head m

Willem Kruger Leopard jump mating

Willem Kruger Leopard jump mating

Willem Kruger Lion dad son

Willem Kruger Lion dad son



This is a PSSA monthly competition where clubs enter their monthly Junior winner onto Photovault. Appointed judges select the winning image.  The monthly winner gets displayed on the home page of our Website for the duration of the month.  

For the Junior Club Competition Winner of the Month, a club representative (ideally the Chairperson) submits the club winner via Photovault at www.photovaultonline.com

Instructions on how to upload your entry onto Photovault can be downloaded here  doc

Frequently we do require high resolutions of these images as PSSA use them for Print Exhibitions to promote PSSA as well as showcasing the work being done around the country.

At the end of the PSSA calendar year (30 June of each year) the Junior Club Competition Winning Image of the Year is selected.




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