Impala Trophy Results – AV

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Impala 2020/2022 AV results 

In order for the Impala Trophy to be awarded each year there have to be at least 3 AV Salons.  As there were not sufficient in 2020/2021 no trophy was awarded.

The Jurassic Coast International 2021 Salon which had PSSA patronage, was the only AV Salon in that period, and the results from it are now part of the 2021/2022 AV Impala Trophy.



Click here for the Impala Trophy AV results for the year ending June 2020

Click here for the Impala Trophy AV Results for the year ending June 2019

Impala Trophy AV Results for the year ending June 2018  excel

Impala Trophy AV Results for the year ending June 2017  excel  pdf

Impala Trophy AV Results for the year ending June 2016  excel

Impala Trophy AV Results for the year ending June 2015  excel

Impala Trophy AV Results for the year ending June 2014  excel

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