About the Impala Trophy


Impala Trophy(ies) are awarded annually to the fully paid-up member(s) of PSSA gaining the greatest number of points in each of these mediums:
– Projected Digital Images (PDI);
– Prints; and
– Audio Visual (AV).
Affiliate members do not qualify to participate.
The year will run from 1 July to 30 June each year and the awards will be made at the annual PSSA National Congress.
Impala Trophy points will be gained on national and international salons approved by PSSA and held within the borders of South Africa.

Note:  there has been changes to the Impala rules, so please familiarise yourself with content of the below document

Click here to download the latest Impala Trophy Rules as at 2024.10.20

Click here for the latest Impala Trophy Results


The Premier Club Award competition is based on the collective points gained by all members of a club of Impala Trophy points. The winner being the club with the highest number of points in the Impala Trophy year.

Only clubs which are fully paid up affiliated members of PSSA will be eligible.

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