From the PRO – December 2017



Another year almost done and dusted and hopefully your photography has grown from strength to strength and will continue to do so. I have just spent some time with photographers from all over the world and it was amazing to hear and experience their passions for photography, no different from ours in South Africa.

Some lovely images once again this month in our monthly competitions. Please remember if your Club meets in December you are allowed to enter two images in the Senior and Junior Competitions.   Also the great news is that the Independent problem has been sorted out in Photovault, thanks to Johann who sorted this for us.


The organisers of this Congress are already well ahead with their organisation and the dates are as on our web site 30th September – 5th October.   Programme and Registration details will be on our web site within the next two weeks. PE is looking forward to hosting the Congress and have an exciting programme for us all.   Please keep checking our web site for all up to date information. Not only for this Congress but for all matters related to PSSA events etc.

Xmas comes but once a year, when it comes it brings good cheer. I wish you and your family a very Merry Xmas and a Properous New Year.

May all your dreams and wishes come true.

Maybe in your Xmas wishes is that new camera and I hope Santa is going to deliver that special gift for you.

It is also the holiday season in South Africa and family time, enjoy these moments as they are very special.



It is also this time of the year when we make New Year resolutions. The most important part is of course when we make them, we must keep them.

Some food for thought for all of us as we approach the New Year.

“I heard the bells on Christmas day, their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat,
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.”

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Travel safe if going away and come back with some stunning images to share with us all in 2018.



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