Director for the Region: Kittie du Plessis 082 290 5423
HS Linden
Private Bag X02LINDENGauteng2104Website
Meeting Venue
Classroom 8 Hoërskool Linden
Meeting Schedule
Every second week of the month on the 3rd day of the week.
Contact Name
Marleen Rood011 476 5493 (h)011 999 1433/4 (w)082 490 5458 (c)
HS Riebeeckrand
Privaatsak X023RANDFONTEINGauteng1760Website
Meeting Venue
Riebeeckrand Hoërskool
Meeting Schedule
Tuesday 1st 2nd 3rd 4th weeks of each month
Contact Name
Vic Mouton011 692 2815 (h)011 693 3771 (w)084 272 1818 (c)
Kingsmead College
132 Oxford RoadMELROSEJohannesburg2196Website
Meeting Venue
@ College
Meeting Schedule
When and as needed
Contact Name
Lisa Kaplan011 731 7300 (w)
Parktown Boys Photographic Society
Parktown Boys High SchoolWellington RoadPARKTOWN2193Meeting Venue
Classroom, Ms Sarelis
Meeting Schedule
1st day of week
Contact Name
Maria Sarelis082 789 7054 (c)
Parktown High School for Girls
55 Tyrone avenuePARKVIEWGAUTENG2193Website
Meeting Venue
Parktown High School For Girls
Meeting Schedule
2nd week of each month on the 5th day of week (Thursdays)
Contact Name
H Jurgens083 541 4570 (c)
St Augustine Photography Club
53 Ley RoadVICTORY PARKJohannesburg2091Website
Meeting Venue
LR6 St Augustine College
Meeting Schedule
1st 2nd 3rd 4th week of each month on 2nd day of week
Contact Name
Raphael de Kadt011 486 3829 (h)011 380 9040 (w)083 677 2252 (c)
St Benedict's College
Private Bag 15BEDFORDVIEWGauteng2008Website
Meeting Venue
Art Class St Benedict's College
Meeting Schedule
1st Tuesday of every month
Contact Name
Mari Coetzee076 169 1590 (c)
St Marys Waverley Photography
PO Box 981Highlands NorthJohannesburg2037Website
Meeting Venue
Meeting Schedule
Every Tuesday
Contact Name
Kate Northmore011 531 1859 (w)
Trinityhouse High School
PO Box 4421HONEYDEWGauteng2040Website
Meeting Venue
At school
Meeting Schedule
Not indicated
Contact Name
Shelene van der Watt011 794 4799 (w)076 813 3444 (c)
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