Alta Oosthuizen

FPSSA, APSSA(Vers), EPSSA(Mille-Premium), DPSSA(Vers), EFIAP

I am a very passionate photographer.  My Photography started as part of a  birdwatching “routine” and evolved over the years.  I would describe myself as a very versatile photographer, as I enjoy photographing different genres.  The more adrenaline during a shoot, the happier I am!  My motivation is to work hard each and every day and I strive to be a better person and photographer than I was yesterday!!  
I am currently a member of NPC (National Photography Club) and judge a lot on club as well as salon level.  
I am passionate about teaching people.  I present photography as well as editing courses.  It gives me great pleasure to see how people improve their skills and how photography plays a part in growing as a person!
To summarise what photography means to me:  “Photography is not a job, nor a hobby.  It is a way of LIVING!!”

Below a gallery of Alta’s images

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