How does this competition work?
This is an international team competition between CAPA (Canada), PSNZ (New Zealand), APA (Australia) and PSSA (South Africa). The competition is organized by a different country each year on a rotational basis.
- There are 4 categories – Colour, Mono, Nature, Our Country – a total of 80 images are entered with no more than 1 per person.
- Definitions for the Colour, Mono & Nature categories are as per PSSA’s standard definitions. For the “Our Country” category images should have been taken in South Africa. Images can be either colour or black & white or a combination thereof. Wild animals/birds can only be included in this category provided that the animal/bird does not occupy more than 25% of the total picture area.
- PSSA will host an internal competition to select the best possible entry for the PSSA entry.
- Entry is via Photo Vault Online – after logging in, under My entries, look for PSSA Specific.
Images must be named as follows: First Name, Surname, Title of image eg: Ben Swart Blue skies
Nature Category: Un-manipulated Images Only
Open Colour and Monochrome Categories: No nature images allowed (Manipulated or un-manipulated)
All entrants selected for the PSSA team will receive an electronic certificate of recognition.
The following awards will be presented by the host country.
Nations Award – To the Society that wins the competition, cumulative of the four categories. The host Society shall determine the winner of this award by totalling the scores supplied by the judges for each image.
Gold Award – These are for individual Society members who had the highest scoring image in each category (One Gold Award for each category). The judges shall determine which image in each category shall be the recipient of the award for that category either by mediation or as indicated by the highest scoring image for that category.
Honourable Mention – For individual Society members who received Honourable Mentions (Up to three certificates for each category). The judges shall determine which images in each category shall be the recipients of a certificate either by mediation or as indicated by the next highest score.
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