How does this competition work?
Affiliated clubs may enter DIGITAL images in two separate sections.
- • Junior Section – 1 to 3 Star – 15 entries
- • Senior Section – 4 Star and upwards – 15 entries
Clubs may enter either one or both sections depending on the status of membership ratings within the club at the time of the competition.
Photographers should enter the applicable section as per their current star rating within the club. However, a 1 to 3 Star photographer who holds any photographic Honours may not enter as a “Junior”.
If a club member has only recently been promoted from the junior to the senior section their images may be entered in the junior section with images at their 3 Star status only. However, a club member may not be entered into both sections – it is either the junior or the senior section but not both.
No one author may enter more than a total of three (3) images.
Where a photographer is a member of more than one club his/her same image may not be submitted at more than one club. In cases where this occurs, the image will be disqualified in all clubs’ entries resulting in a no score for that particular image towards any club’s total scores. It is the responsibility of the clubs to check with each other regarding their submissions to avoid disqualification.
All images must be original and must not incorporate elements produced by anyone else. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrants certify the work as their own and permit the images to be used on the website and in PSSA publications.
There are no defined categories for the sections in the competition. Both colour and monochrome images will be accepted.
No entry fee is payable but Clubs entering must have paid their annual subscriptions to PSSA.
Images entered into previous PSSA Inter-Club Competitions may not be entered into this competition.
Entries must be submitted via Photo Vault Online. A club representative uploads the photos on behalf of the CLUB using a Photo Vault Online Group Account. If you are not already using this method for the Club of the Month Competition you will need to register a login for your club. If you need help please contact Charmaine Joubert for assistance.
Electronic Certificates will be awarded to the winning Junior Club, Senior Club and overall club winner.
The photographers of the best Senior and Junior images will each win a PSSA Silver medal which will be engraved with the name of the competition, the year, the title and the winner’s name.
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