About the Marike Bruwer Award for Visual Art

How does this competition work?

This Award is presented to honour Marike Bruwer FPSSA(Dux), who passed away on Freedom Day in 2006. Marike was an active PSSA member and served as a member of the Board. She played a major part in an alternative and conceptual view of photography and was part of the team that introduced the Visual Art category as we know it today.

The Visual Art movement originated from photography and uses the medium of photography, its various approaches, and philosophies to create a more interpretive approach to photography itself.   The photographic techniques, materials and processes still dominate the final image.

Photographers are encouraged to explore the photographic medium and use it to communicate their own personal vision incorporating feeling, senses, and imagination to the viewer.

The photography is not restricted in any way, neither in subject matter or manipulation during the taking or reproduction stages of the photography excepting that all elements must be your own.

As per the PSSA definition Visual Art images are those that go beyond the straightforward pictorial rendering of a scene. The image does not have to employ derivative or manipulative techniques to be Creative or Visual Art.

This award is part of the PSSA National and International Salons each year. One of the categories of these salons will be a Visual Art section and the highest scoring PSSA Member will win the Marike Bruwer Award. Points from this will be a part of the Impala Trophy and count towards salon acceptances and Diamond Ratings.

This award is to be mentioned as one of the awards for the salon in the Salon brochure as the Marike Bruwer Award – for the best entry by a member of PSSA.

The winner receives a PSSA Silver medal which will be engraved with the name of the competition, the year, the title and the winner’s name.

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