– FIAP Nature Biennial
– FIAP Black and White Biennial
– FIAP Colour Biennial
How does this competition work?
Biennials are one of the most important events offered by FIAP. They are organized every two years in a different member country. Even years for Black and White and Nature Biennials, odd years for the Colour Biennial.
The participation is free.
Biennials have a very particular characteristic, different from the international contests. It is not only the quality of the individual work that counts, but FIAP ask for coherent collections, as well of the viewpoint of inspiration and conception as from the viewpoint of execution and presentation.
Nature Biennials – 20 x digital images + 10 x prints
Colour Biennials – 20 x digital images + 10 x prints
Black & White Biennials – 10 x prints
The judgement of the collections is made in two steps:
1) the judgement of each work of the collection
2) the global judgement of the collection.
The collection obtaining the highest score by the addition of the points of the first and the second judgment, wins the World Cup of the corresponding Biennial. Individual prizes are also awarded to the best works regardless of the classification by federations.
In view of the fact that so much emphasis is placed on “coherent collections”, entry for the PSSA entry is done by invitation and images are drawn from recent Honours panels and successful salon images.
PSSA prints those images selected for the Print categories.
Entrants whose images are selected for the PSSA team will, as from 2022, receive a Certificate of Recognition.
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