2018 Prince Albert Congress

DSC 9638D Banner for Prince Albert



2017.10 Header Prince Albert Congress
3 in 1 picsThis magnificent photographic event will again take place in the quaint village of Prince Albert at the Showroom Theatre and you should not miss it!

Organise your diary now and watch this space as we fill in the details over the next few months.

Some of the speakers are:
Martin Barber, Salvelio Meyer, Willem Dafue, Willem Oets and more.

Consult the programme below for the current detail.

Bookings are open – total capacity of the venue is 120. To register, click here

Congress enquiries/suggestions:

Paul Rixom at prixom@webmail.co.za or Roel at capephoto2@gmail.com




Invitation large

Click on the button for your Audio Visual Invitation  


Programme large

Click on the Programme button above or
anywhere on the Programme below to download it

programme v 21 Feb 2018 V4 page 001

Click anywhere on the Programme to download it. 


Congress presentations2


Accommodation large

Click on the Accommodation button above for all the options


Travel info large

Click on the Travel Info button for several Travel videos

LATEST NEWS from Prince Albert Tourism on the Swartberg Pass:

Swartberg pass photo 1 DSC 8403 enhPaul Rixom reports on his visit to Prince Albert on 3 November 2017:

The Swartberg Pass work is nearly completed and they told us, at the pass, it would be fully opened by next weekend. 

We drove through the affected northern section as part of their Friday to Sunday opening hours. 

Swartberg pass photo2 DSC 8400 enhThere was quite a bit of traffic going both ways.

The most amazing thing is the excellent work they have completed which included modern dry stone walling. See photos on the left.




Click here for the Street Map
Click here for the Travel Guide Swartberg Circuit

Click here for other Scenic Roads


Button Louis Botha course



Click on the Register button to register for Congress now!

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