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The Rose Bowl, which Sue Jewell donated to PSSA in memory of Marike Bruwer, has been put to good use in the Youth Division and is awarded each year to the School Club in the number one position on the Impala Trophy Youth log.Ho%u00ebrskool Charlie Hofmeyr from Ceres, as pictured above, was the winner of the Rose Bowl this year and a second trophy, donated by Philip & Louise de Lange, which is awarded to the School Club with the most International Acceptances and Awards received within the same period as the Impala trophy year.An%u00e9 Sauer was top of the Impala Trophy Youth log followed by Sofia Van Der Merwe in 2nd Place. They are both from Ho%u00ebrskool Charlie Hofmeyr .Charl Conradie featured in 2nd place with the most International Salon Acceptances received by the Youth of South Africa.Most Successful School/Youth Club - Ho%u00ebrskool Charlie Hofmeyr from Cerese-Image January 2025