Russel James from Southern Suburbs Camera Club is our August winner!
Russel, congratulations on your winning image – Goliath Heron ready to strike
Russel says:
This image was captured in 2015 at Zimanga Private Game Reserve, KZN on a photographic trip with Andrew Schoeman. Thanks to COVID, I was forced to dig into old trips and was lucky to find this image.
Camera and settings:
Canon 5D MK III
Canon 70-200 mm Lens
Our 1st runner-up is Adriaan Theron from Magalies Foto Fun Club with “Friends no more”
Our 2nd runner-up is Hannes Claassens from Midlens Fotoklub with “African Giant Jumping Spider”
Thank you to the judges:
Shane Else – Benoni Camera Club
Lynne Kruger-Haye – Tygerberg Photographic Society
Andre Norris – Centurion Camera Club
Click here for the August 2021 scoresheet for Website participants
AUGUST 2021 WEBSITE ENTRIES (You can click on the images to enlarge them and use the arrows on the image to go back and forth.)
(these images are also available on Dropbox to download and show at your club evenings – just forward the webmaster your email address and ask to be added to the shared folder)
Members of PSSA only are invited to personally enter any one image per month into this competition, and submit it via Photovault at If you are not a member of PSSA, you can unfortunately not enter this competition.
If your image has won the Senior or Junior club competition at your club during the month, it will be entered in either of those two competitions for the month. PLEASE do not enter it into the Web site competition as well for obvious reasons. Remember, it is the same judges that judge all three competitions for a particular month and having the same image in two competitions, Senior or Junior and the Web site competition will disadvantage the image. If your image does not win in the Senior or Junior Club Competition and you would like to enter it into the Web site competition, you can do so as long as it is a month or so later.
The winning image will be displayed on the home page of our Website for the duration of the month.
Instructions on how to upload your entry onto Photovault can be downloaded here
Frequently we do require high resolutions of these images as PSSA use them for Print Exhibitions to promote PSSA as well as showcasing the work being done around the country.
At the end of the PSSA calendar year (30 June of each year) the Website Competition Winning Image of the Year is selected.
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