Photo & Film Expo 2012

The Photo & Film Expo is an annual event that is part of the PSSA calendar and presents the perfect opportunity to showcase our society.

A decision was taken to “Go Big” this year so that we would be more noticeable and prominent amongst the many exhibitors. We therefore made a number of changes to our stall.

The print competition consisted of two categories: Wildlife and Pictorial.

We also had a section for our PSSA Annual Winners where we could showcase the talents of the winners of the different categories.

Thirdly, we also ran a competition for schools this year, which attracted much attention and resulted in quite a few enquiries from teachers, parents and learners. The winning images from various schools were on display  and winners visited the stand with their parents to see their images and collect their prizes.

Approximately 3000 members of the public visited the stall and more than 1000 participated in casting their votes for the two different competitions.

The greatest achievement of our very visible stall (and all our enthusiastic PSSA volunteers) is that 107 new members have registered for PSSA! Our 20 members worked very hard for the duration of the Expo and directed hundreds of enthusiastic amateur photographers to clubs in their areas.

This expo was a truly successful team effort and we are very proud of our product as well as the results.

The winners of the Expo Print Competition (as voted by die public) were as follow:

Best Wildlife:  Three springbok in Sossusvlei (below) –  Louis Lotter

2012 08 Louis Lotter  Three springbok at Sossusvlei

Other Wildlife Images chosen for the exhibition were:

                      Colourful – Clifford Wyeth
                      Hi There – Kathy Kay
                      Hornbill – Leon Pelser
                      Predator Affection – Francois Haarhoff
                      Reier oor water – Willem vd Post
                      Slurpie – Deon Oosthuizen
                      The joys of Spring – Jenny Stilwell
                      Umfana – Louisa Scheepers
                      Waterbok sprong – Pierre Jordaan
Best Pictorial: Night Louvre (below) – Francois Haarhoff

best wildlife expo Night Louvre

Other Pictorial Images chosen for the exhibition were:

                     Flower Princess – Jason Stander
                     Indo ally family – Gus Wascheford
                     Inside a Clivia – Willem vd Post
                     London Museum – Treurnich du Toit
                     Pandora nymph – Hein Wascherford
                     Red Yellow Blue – Malie vd Vyver
                     Schonbrunn Palace – Danie Bosman
                     Underground – Laetitia Kenny
                     Winter Goddess – Hanlie Smit

Youth Category (junior) -Thinking – Megan Papp – St Andrews, Welkom (unfortunately we only received prints)

Youth Category (senior) – Venice: Bridges of Time – Sarah Carter – St Mary’s, Waverley (unfortunately we only received prints)

Our only regret is that not all our members across the country could join in the fun of this great Expo. It would have been great to welcome you here!

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